I am actually digging this so much ^w^ fits the theme of CS imo and really cute
Recent community posts
I've got several ponderings! I thought they would be cool possible ideas for future chapters.
One idea I am thinking are corrupted healing items, healing items that you may (or have to) use to stay in combat, but will raise your lust/corruption/submission level or some other (fun) side effects.
Another idea I have is like a second-wind in slut mode. If you become a professional slut (a possible implementation is like collecting all transferable accessories from each chapter which you get from slut mode), you would probably have much more control over your own lust and who can control you. So you can like, snap out of your max lust for a limited amount of time to stay in the fight. This is possibly a difficult thing to bring together though.
Another thing I thought would be cool with professional slut is possibly a new character that would accept and romantically love Mezz for going down that path. If Scratch is the type that won't accept a professional slut (sex worker) as a partner, there is at least some comfort left for Mezz in the end, unless Scratch is just gonna be that amazing. On the flip side, Mezz as a professional slut can have a horrifying slut mode win, that makes you wonder if you even won at all, giving the slutty players a reality check (cool idea but I legit will hate you forever for this) (well not seriously but still).
Just some fun suggestions for the future! Maybe they could come in useful and get implemented if they complement your grand scheme for the next chapters! The corrupted healing item idea is just a thing I think plays well with the emotions I felt playing your game, "punishing" poor resource management in a different way. The professional slut however is something i heard several accounts of, and have some personal experience with it ^w^
This is just a miscommunication between you and Bitshift but I am putting my two cents here because it hurts to see Bitshift having to engage in this conversation alone.
Disclaimer, I did not read everything written because it was hard to read both of you trying to defend yourselves, but the tone of your first post "daze needs to be nerfed" screams "this sucks, change it" and not "i need help". It becomes reasonable for Bitshift to respond the way he did just because of that one line of word. The first words to convey a message, not just yours, is going to set the tone of the rest of the conversation.
Besides, I have many frustrations towards the mechanics of the game, but I loved them because I played it in a more self-inserting way. The frustration doesn't just see Mezz breaking down but it broke me down too. I think that is hella fun! I want his future game to have the same level of RNG frustrations so I can have my own "superhero mode" broken down.
But I understand that not everyone is going to enjoy it. I didn't at first. (tangent)Its just because how I like the writing of this game that just makes me come back for more RNG beating (end of tangent). So its understandable some player will hope its not what it is and want it changed.
My final opinion is this conversation should end. Lets put it this way: now we know you are not demanding change, thanks for making it clear. Written words are always not easy to understand unless you're some kind of master of telepathy and empathy. And I am sorry if what I decide to add here just fueled more problems to either of you. I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.
Its amazing how much a simple add like that poster scene could do really. I appreciate that a lot!
And yeah Khazeem was fun! I took couple tries on his standard fight because I forgot I had the cologne. His slut mode fight though took many tries xD I am still trying to make sense if its rng or there is a sequence. The ending is good yeah, well crafted ^^ it played with my emotions a lot so I loved it :D
I have managed to beat the game in both normal and slut mode. I am just writing here to applaud the writing of this game, and 4 of the scenes that stood out to me. I interacted with the game in a self-inserting way so you'll understand where I am coming from as I write them here.
1) The porno scene is amazing. The emotions and fear that goes through the bunny after watching his own clips were amazing, the fourth wall breaking comments were very creative.
2) The nasty posters outside the club after his second service in the club is amazing. I actually felt the embarassment that the bunny had and was desperate to remove them myself (on the first encounter of this scene).
3) Having to talk to everyone in the club before the third service in the club was also very embarassing. Having to invite them in his normal state of mind was difficult and degrading to the ego even to me.
4) The most impactful scene is losing to Khazeem in slut mode. (Avoiding spoilers) I was hurt to see them getting dragged into the mess unwillingly out of their kindness and concern. Plus, knowing they may get a more wholesome future role with the bunny makes it hurt even more. I couldn't watch the scene twice.
Everything else was just sweet sweet icing for me, but the way you presented the consequences of being a mindless slut hits close to home and very impactful.
All in all, you know the formula very well, so keep doing what you're doing now. I look forward to your next chapter. :)
I love how I feel about this game. The corruption doesn't just affect Mezz, it does affect the me too. I say that because I am bad at the game, and have no idea how to maintain the sanity of the bunny that I lose even if I am trying not to. Slowly I feel myself starting to give in and accept I'm shit at the game and maybe should accept Mezz is going to be a toy if I am playing the game, and its slowly breaking myself into the idea.
I mean I could stop playing if I am getting tired but who am I kidding xD
The "hero" in me still thinks if the game can be a little easier, less tedious, or the consequences of losing isn't as impactful. But you do you boo this is amazing as it is.