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A member registered Apr 04, 2016

Recent community posts

This is a gem! Really interesting game! wow! Cant wait top see where it goes!

do I need to explain? Its a Minecraft-like voxel game, not a copy, not trying to make the same, this take is forked ways from the minecraft "survival" take. 

Sounds good!

(1 edit)

I wrote the comment full of rage after having a hard time with some trolls. My apologies. The game is very fun, you are not to blame. In case my comment seemed like that.

I played in 6 different games and in 4 of them the same player called 66666666666 came to destroy everything and get me killed. Play Survival. The votekick would be interesting. Or maybe a way to block that player from playing with him. Since if there are 2 they can troll you, enter your server and troll you. Keep up the good work the game is looking great. My congratulations

PS: It would be interesting to protect your loot if you die since the other players will throw themselves at it without hesitation. If you die it may be protected for a while on the ground.

Fun game, but troll players absolutely ruins the experience. Tried to play 6 times, and 6 times in a row the team trolls, destroy turrets and spikes open new gates etc to kill you o steal your items. Maybe we need something that you can make your personal space, o vote kick, or teamup with someone and kill that bastards. I half enjoyed the game and hated at same time

Really clever and fun game!

I loved, but for some reason freezes a lot

Holy shit!

I reached the 14th floor and I already thought it was an incredible feat. My respects. I will definitely try that build.

I present to you Cleaver Frenzy the best build I've ever tried. 78-79 Dmg. I reached the 14th floor pretty easy. This screenshot is the result of gradually removing pieces, below there is another screenshot of my build at the end of floor 9.

Floor 14 setup:

9th floor setup:

I noticed that superior Cleavers that didn't get the +2 bonus from the ring became obsolete. and all gems were replaced by simple mana. Since the ring for every 1 mana, gave +6 damage. And finally I was finding bricks and taking off all armor.

Holy! Nice run

Ive loved the game. Is really engaging. Love the art, and love the mechanics. Is really fun and adictive.

Now i hate you......

Nice game...

I enjoyed every minute. I would pay for this with no hesitation.

Ive loved this game so much!

Im sorry to tel you this. but im having the same problem. 
U can count me in to buy the game anyway i really like it!

NICE! I understood the Starshiptroopers reference! 

NICE! Thanks!

I run the StandaloneWindows64.exe, a Unity logo appears, then stuck like this for ages. 

Same problem here

When you finish a demo, and you jump out of the chair screaming no! because you wanted to continue It means that what you have played is good. I hope you advance strong! I'll be watching

Muy buen comiendo, ese toque constante de humor en todo, el movimiento, la gracia artística. Muy bien estoy esperando  ansioso

This an outstanding work.

Im wondering, if i buy this game here ( i want ) i have to repay when it comes out?

I have some ideas, and adjustments that may interest you, where could I write them?

It was obvious, but I did not think about it. Thank you.

Where can we report bugs to you?

Ok thankyou!

Can we have a save game option?

We got your back

My suggestion is to add some mechanics, or objects, that make the upper parts useful. Now you only make a higher floor, because it looks nice.


Its fucking pretty awesome!!! I want to keep involved.