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A member registered Oct 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hmhm! Thanks! I'll keep an eye out then :) 

Moon River community · Created a new topic Secret Items

Great game... 

But what that warm stone doin? And the stars scroll...

Couldn't find a use for these :o


Thanks for the continued interest, Alice. Your early critique was so important for skill building. It's been a long time coming, but I'm happy with my art nowadays! :) 

Only true words! The crt filter is just an exe that you can run over anything. So if you're ever using an emulator, it's handy for that too :)

Very glad I got around to playing this! It's a total crime that Rosenklan hasn't gotten more attention. 

Despite its simplicity, the art in Rosenklan is extremely evocative. It's always dark, but never lacking color or definition. My favorite details were the zoomed-in illustrations. For example, the cold glint of the tools which speak. The progressive 'roses' screen was also an effective choice. I recommend playing with this CRT filter for an authentic retro experience:

Rosenklan's fairytale writing style is well executed, even dignified. Characters are distilled to archetypes with simple motivations. Do not mistake this assessment for blandness, however. Alice Gristle orchestrates these moments with care, and each character stimulates the imagination. 

The gameplay is almost a point-n-click adventure. Interestingly, goals can be addressed in any order. Depending on your focus, your path through the experience could be completely different from mine. Indeed, there were multiple ways to address some puzzles. I get the impression multiple endings are also possible, depending on your choices. 

I hope to see another polished game like this from you in the future! Great job!



Kasper Kuma's playthrough: 

ImNoodle's playthrough

Thanks for playing! Something may be on the way...! 

Found the dark beast :o

Thank you! This is definitely one of my favorite jam projects for the reasons you mentioned. It's not for everyone, but a select few people really enjoy Katanirvana.

Muchas gracias por jugar! 

You just made my day! This is so awesome. Thank you from the whole team!

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ManlyBadassHero's playthrough:

Thanks so much! Glad to hear you enjoyed the sound design and limited vision. Really, the audio team knocked it out of the park with this project. 

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Thanks for the kind words. You gotta step on the tiles :) 

Thanks for submitting this! The sparkly sound design definitely made me feel like a mermaid. Also, I'll say that your movement system is impressively smooth considering the time limit. 

I love how difficult it is to see the threats. Something about presenting them only on the radar leaves things up to imagination in a good way. My only criticism would be that the repair buttons lack feedback. Otherwise, the atmosphere is very impressive and I'd enjoy seeing more from a project like this.

Hey are you still looking for a team? 

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Need team members? Post here to find others interested in joining the jam! 

Follow @DeeceTreatment on Twitter for important jam updates :) 

Sighingslider's playthrough

Riggy2k3's playthrough:

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A real actual Alice gristle game? Color me interested, can't wait to play this tonight. 

EDIT:  This rocks! The art is perfect, especially  during battles. I also like that battle rewards directly impact your ability to navigate the world. Rooting for you!

Thanks for playing! I loved seeing your reaction to the dungeon crawler portion-- you seemed really surprised!

Glad to hear you like it, thanks! Still working hard on this game. 

Thanks so much :D Just one ending for now, because we had to make the jam deadline.  You can use invisibility to avoid balloon pursuers in the carnival, and Pinky is just a cosmetic summon.

HawkZombie's playthrough:

Thanks, you're a good commentator! If you ever decide to finish it, you can go into the tent in the sandstorm area. Theres also another area to be reached beyond the tunnels :)

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Thanks for the kind words and video commentary! 

Especially, I appreciate the feedback. EDIT: these bugs are fixed!

Thank you! ! It's important to me that gameplay fits logically into the world. 

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Wow, reading an experience like this really makes me feel like the work paid off! Thank you!

If you're getting destroyed, I suggest trying the d20 modifiers, especially the evasive one. Enjoy the rest of the game! :)

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Happy to hear you enjoy it! If we get a bigger response, maybe we'll post an update!