Hey Unreality3D!
Thanks so much for taking the time to play our game!
I’ll make sure to pass your feedback about the bugs along to our team. We’ve encountered some of these issues before and are actively working to resolve them before our Steam release later this month.
As for the time progression, we have a hidden timer for each customer interaction to simulate a realistic customer service experience. We aim for quick service at Swifty Swine, so if the timer runs out, customers will leave feeling dissatisfied.
You’re also right about the inventory—items you receive from customers cannot be bartered. Those items are yours to keep and will influence the ending based on the resources you gather!
If you would like to play our next iteration towards the end of this month, you can check it out here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3250160/When_It_Falls/
or here: https://bisaiah.itch.io/when-it-falls
Thank you again!