Hi! Thank you for playing!
- About the store I'm kinda changing a few things (don't know if in the end that store will still exist) but you are right, the shards should appear somewhere when you're there.
- For the map I really like your suggestion. I'll work on that.
- As for the environment in general, a few things will be added to make it feel more alive (such as lots of NPCs to interact with - see image below as an example of what I'm currently working on).
Thank you for the feedback! I really appreciate it!
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Recent community posts
Is it possible to add color variations? Despite of being absolute gorgeous, I think it is a little bit "too brown". Maybe a lighter wood color for the tables and other wood objects? A few variations for the furniture, such as stone stools and so on. I love this pack, looking forward for more updates on this one!
Even though I'm not working on this game at the moment, a lot of people asked me to play the demo, so I did. The game's page is back and the demo can be downloaded there. Hope you like it!
Hi everyone! I've updated my Cute Modern Tileset Pack and included a free beach tileset for everyone to download and use as needed.
The Cute Modern Character Pack was also updated recently with 12 new characters, don't miss it!
Hello! Some of you guys may be familiar with my Cute Modern Pixel Art Pack. Today I released a new pack for the "Cute Modern" series, a pack filled with characters matching the same art style. Right now it has a nice discount for those who already own the Cute Modern Pixel Art Pack. I also made a bundle including both Cute Modern packs with a better price as well. Check out some images below and also all the links:
Cute Modern Pixel Art Pack: https://wendeoo.itch.io/cute-modern-pixel-art-pack
Cute Modern Character Pack: https://wendeoo.itch.io/cute-modern-character-pack
Cute Modern Bundle: https://itch.io/s/68993/cute-modern-bundle

I'm so happy that I was able to make this first set of my Cute Modern pack! I have so much planned for it, but I think it is solid enough to be released as an early access, for people to know it and follow the new releases.
You can get it now with a discount in this first week and receive every future update for free - forever.
Thank you in advance!
Hi, thank you for playing!
1. The units' size matches the size of the game's art in general. Their collision box was increased for better clickability, it will be fixed on the next update.
2. Workers are there to offer a small help on gathering Gold and Gems. They do not fight. They will run away if an enemy is near. You need to take the battle far away from them in order to properly gather the resources. To put an worker and it simply takes all the resources without any kind of risk is preferable to not have it at all. I think the workers are doing their job for now.
3. I don't like automatization in games like mine, I like to click and buy units whenever I feel I need to. Also, it is a way to save money for the next stage.
Wanna help a solo dev to convince his wife to let him spend more time working on the game?
Defenders of Iduna is a real-time strategy game where you control your units in battles against waves of enemies. It is the type of game that the more you play better you become at it.
With $ 1.00 you gain access to Defenders of Iduna closed beta version! You can play through the entire campaign mode and test all available factions.
Please, check the game's page for more info: https://wendeoo.itch.io/defenders-of-iduna