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A member registered Feb 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Idk seems like a fun idea tho and it will change gameplay

Here are my feature suggestions to the new game!

Crouch - Players now can crouch (imposters and crewmates)! Players can use this to hide from the imposter and the imposter can use this to kill people without getting seen.

Traps - The imposter can place traps on machines (for example the imposter can malfunction the med bay and if someone tries to use it they will explode or something)  or doors. Anyone can dismount them but if they dont see the traps (which are visible) they can get downed.

Revive/downed - You are still alive! Crewmates can be downed by traps or other things. Imposters and crewmates can revive the downed people, but if they are too late, they bleed out.

Disguise - The imposter can dress like the people he murdered. The imposter can use this as to hide the body or to make people think that the murdered person is the imposter.

Voice chat - The game needs voice chat. Thats it lmao.

use the unarchiver