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A member registered Apr 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey thanks for playing and streaming the game! Having video feedback was super useful. Sorry about the bugs, and we appreciate the time you took to make it work!

The idea behind this one was fun! I think that there could have been a little more to the gameplay itself, but it was enjoyable.

The gameplay was simple, which made it easy to pick up. I appreciate the dead-simple controls and instructions. Once I got about half-way through, though, I started to get bored. I think if there was a little more variation in the gameplay, I would have been more inclined to continue with multiple play sessions. For example, maybe reaching a certain combo gives you some power up to fight the waves of enemies. And having a difficulty that increases and decreases could be interesting to explore too.

The game felt familiar to where I knew what I was doing, but not in a way that it felt like a clone of another game. This feels like a good balance between innovation and familiarity.

The take on the theme was a pretty basic one, and I think that adding an extra element to it like mentioned before could help improve on that.

The graphics and audio are where the game really shined! I think that the main character looks excellent, and wish that the enemies and background/level had a little more of that sparkle. The music is fitting with the story behind the game, which is nice. Some additional audio / fx could help polish the experience a little more.

I enjoy the humor that comes from the story, and especially the opening screen! It makes a great first impression. I think it would be beneficial to add more of this into the actual game, through dialogue spoken by the player or some other means.

Nice job! This was a cool one.

Xerion is an excellent looking tile-sliding puzzle game. Unfortunately I haven't sunk much time into it, because I've had trouble figuring out the "balancing" of the tiles to solve the puzzles. Aside from this, it's an all-around great puzzle game.

I love a good puzzle game, and this felt like something I could see myself buying. I did have trouble progressing after the first few levels. I think that I stumbled few the first ones, and then didn't fully understand the core balancing mechanic behind the game once I reached more advanced puzzles. I find the riddle intriguing, but shedding a little more light on the "balancing" could be advantageous without ruining the intrigue of the game.

I think that the interpretation of the theme is solid, as tile-sliding or match-3 games are common games that feature some sort of combo. Nothing feels revolutionary in that regard, but that's okay because it's really well executed.

The graphics and audio are what take this game to the next level. The pixel art looks great and the colors tie together nicely. The background audio and the dialogue after completing a level are very fitting for the atmosphere. These elements really tie the game together and create a super strong, enticing mood.

Relating to my earlier comment about having difficulty with the balancing, some additional visual effects and sound when some elements are aligned properly could be a helpful indicator.

Humor isn't really applicable for this, but the game has character!

Great job on Xerion. It looks great, and I'm impressed that it was made in 48 hours, as it feels like a complete experience!

I can tell that a lot of effort went into Lunch at SubOrbital and for that, great job! The mood is one of my favorite parts. I had a little difficulty playing the game do to a few things I had to figure out through trial and error. But I think that these are things that could easily be fixed with a small update.

As previously mentioned, I had some issues figuring out parts of the game. When a customer walks up and there order sits below the register, the items look like they can be picked up, which confused me. So I walk over to them, try to pick them up, then the customer storms off (I assume because I was interacting with them or the register?). After I stopped doing that, I was able to put the items in the box and ring them up. The second part where I had trouble was remembering which buttons corresponded to what food items. Having some in-game distinction to figure this out, or by having a few levels that progressively add more buttons and ingredients could help with this.

I haven't played many cooking / restaurant sims. But I do think that the restaurant angle for "combo" is a smart one, and an intergalactic restaurant with lots of wacky orders is a clever and fun idea!

The graphics were hit or miss for me. The kitchen felt a little bland. I like the sci-fi, spacey diner in the background of the game and think that adding more of that theme into the kitchen would make the game feel more vibrant. The same goes for the other employees in the kitchen. I would lean into the space theme a bit more and maybe add some crazy looking alien employees to the mix.

The music is one of my favorite parts and it feels very fitting for the space restaurant :)

The title crawl  adds a lot to the humor of the game. I would try to find a way to sprinkle that into the gameplay itself, as it is another one of my favorite parts! Also, the "HMM" that the customer gives when they storm off is also really funny to me.

Thank you for Lunch at SubOrtbital!

Overall this was kind of hard to play, but I did enjoy the concept and think that there's something to it!

The first few combos, I wasn't paying attention to the GUI, so I didn't see that I had to make specific orders. After a few failed attempts, I noticed. Then I continued to throw the wrong combos together lol. I think the game would be a little easier and more enjoyable if only the food OR the player was bouncing. EX: maybe the cook is standing on a kitchen platform and has to grapple an item, then shoot it at the other item to make the combo.

I like your fast food spin on the theme, and also how it doesn't feel like other cooking sims. Bounce! feels like a very original game!

I think that the graphics leave something to be desired, mainly because the colors don't really match. The purple background and green and red counters are a little too bright, and draw attention away from the main focus: the player and the food. I think most of the food items look great, but I had trouble figuring out what the green/blue/purple one was.

I think the addition of some goofy, fast paced music would be a nice touch to match the silliness and speed that are core parts of the game.

I enjoy the concept of the bouncy house fast food restaurant and think that it is pretty hilarious. I'm interested to see what else you could add by leaning into that idea even more :)

Thanks for the game!

I really enjoyed this! I love a good puzzle game, so this was right up my alley. The mood of the game was solid, and felt like a classic arcade game. Although, I did stop after level 3. I think a tutorial or some hints about the pieces / mechanics in the early levels would help teach the player how to get farther.

It felt familiar enough to where I understood the basics right away, but foreign enough where it wasn't a clone of anything I've played before. After seeing this submission, dominos seems like an obvious choice for a "combo" game, but it's something I had not considered. The addition of a level editor for such a time-constrained project was super cool!

I appreciate the difficulty progression throughout the early levels. With that being said, I only got through the first 3 levels before I couldn't figure out how to continue. Maybe something went over my head in the early levels. For that reason, I think a dedicated tutorial, or some accompanying text in the first few levels would help teach the mechanics a little more effectively.

I dig the graphics and audio, they work together to make it feel like a classic arcade game. A few more sound effects and visual effects would really drive that feeling home. 

"Humor" is hard to judge for this game, since it's not a comedic game. But it definitely has character to it. I still see room to expand on this, too. For instance: what's the story behind each of the domino characters? This is something I'd like to see if you continue with the project!

Great job, it was fun to check out :)

Hey thanks for the thorough review, and for playing our game! This was our first jam so we really appreciate it. We planned on having a scaling difficulty but unfortunately time ran short. Also we're going to continue to work on the game, so the bugs and feedback will be addressed!