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D'Arcangel Productions

A member registered May 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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I love the idea of leaving a copy of the game in a Little Free Library!! That's fantastic! I have three right near my house!!

If you emailed me and gave me your address, your stickers went out today...even to Australia! :-D

Hi everyone!

If you're one of the three game bundle winners, I need your email address so I can send you links and send publishers your addresses so you can get the codes. Please also tell me which submission was yours so I can keep track. :-)

My email address is:  darcangelproductionsAT(gee)



Hi! Would you mind emailing me at darcangelproductionsAT(gee) so I can get your mailing address for your stickers?



Hi! Would you mind emailing me at darcangelproductionsAT(gee) so I can get your mailing address for your stickers?



Hi! Would you mind emailing me at darcangelproductionsAT(gee) so I can get your mailing address for your stickers?



Hi! Would you mind emailing me at darcangelproductionsAT(gee) so I can get your mailing address for your stickers?



Hi! Would you mind emailing me at darcangelproductionsAT(gee) so I can get your mailing address for your stickers?



Hi! Would you mind emailing me at darcangelproductionsAT(gee) so I can get your mailing address for your stickers?



Hi! Would you mind emailing me at darcangelproductionsAT(gee) so I can get your mailing address for your stickers?



Hi! Would you mind emailing me at darcangelproductionsAT(gee) so I can get your mailing address for your stickers?



Hi all,

So apparently, Itch doesn't allow people to reach out to creators directly...or I'm an idiot and can't figure it out, so it looks like I'll need to reach out to everyone individually. Sorry about that!


That could be fun!!!

(3 edits)

Hi again!

Time to announce the winners of the prize bundle! To determine who won, I clicked on the "View Random Submission" button on the left hand side of the control panel; after getting the first winner, it occurred to me that I could make a video of the drawing

, so I did! Yay, technology! The winners of the pdf game bundle are:
  1. The Headless Wraith of Haunted Hollow
  2. The Legend of Pumpkin Springs
  3. To Catch A Star or An Adventure Guide to Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow Circa 1810

I need a day or two to get the pdfs I have uploaded and then will reach out to the winners and publishers so the codes for whatever I don't have can be distributed. I'll also reach out and get everyone's mailing address so I can send you all of the stickers. 

Congrats to the winners and thanks to everyone who submitted something!

See you around the table!


Hi everyone!

First, thank you so much to everyone who participated...there are some really GREAT entries! I'm thinking I might do it again next year, but with a different theme (maybe?). 

Next...I've got some work related stuff to crank through, but I should have the three winners of the game bundle by Monday at the latest. I'm just going to click "View Random Submission" three times, and the three that pop up will be declared winners....I'll post who won here as well as reach out to the winners individually.

Finally, I'll be reaching out to everyone so I can send you the stickers! I should be able to get them out pretty quickly.

Thanks again...this was FUN!

See you around the table!


Thanks so much! It was fun!

Thanks so much! It was a lot of fun. I definitely plan to run it (or with a similar theme) again next year! Thanks so much for being a part of it!

Congrats on taking that step! Welcome and thanks for submitting!

Some pretty cool news...the stickers have arrived! I ordered enough that I think everyone will be able to get one of each. I hope you like them!

Nice!!! I was hoping to see some Cairn! Awesome job!

This is great!! Thank you so much!

(2 edits)

Hi everyone!

Super cool news! The folks over at Raven God Games just offered pdf copies of Darkness of the Demimonde to the list of prizes. This just keeps getting better and better!

Eight days to go!

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to put out a reminder that there's roughly two weeks left on the Headless Halloween Game Jam. I've been working on my own submissions, not because I can win anything...I can't since I'm hosting the Jam of course...but because I want to see how many I can do before the time runs out! My personal goal is five!

Some super cool news as well: the folks over at Open Ended Games have offered Against the Darkmaster core rules to the prize pot! It just keeps getting better and better.

I've been really excited about the entries so far...some REALLY good stuff! Thanks for playing along!

And finally, I'm getting ready to launch another project; this time it's dice. I've needed to further scratch my obsession itch, and I was inspired by the Sleepy Hollow rpg from the folks at Kids in the Attic Games, so I designed and am getting ready to launch a BackerKit campaign for Headless Horseman themed six sided dice, with the Horseman in the place of the 6. Check it out, sign up to get notified when it goes live, and pick up some dice! 

See you around the table!

Awesome job! Thank you so much!

Oh man...this is fantastic!! Thank you so much for this!

(1 edit)

You are so welcome!! I'm really excited to see what gets submitted!!

There's a TON of free art via Creative Commons and Public Domain that you could use...combine it with a graphics program like GIMP (also free), and you're good to go on creating art for any project you want. Some of my favorite sites are the British Library on Flickr, The Metropolitan Museum, and Wikimedia Commons. Here's a post that lists even more sites with free art. Have fun! :-)

Oooh! Fantastic!! Thank you so much!!

Thank you so much!! This was a fun project. It was my first for Shadowdark...can't wait to do more!

Swamps are so fun! And so is the glitter bomb! Haha! Glad you liked it! Thank you!!

I definitely could have done better on the map. Time crunches are a terrible thing. Thank you for the feedback...definitely appreciated! :)

This is great! Thank you!

Thank you so much!

Thanks so much! I'm a firm believer that not every trap, every encounter, every setting needs to be deadly all of the time. Sometimes it can just be fun or even funny.  I was laughing pretty hard when I imagined a party opening it and getting sprayed with glitter. :-)

Thank you so much for this feedback!! I totally agree with your points. I definitely plan to expand and re-release this in the very near was so hard trying to keep to the page limit! :-)

Thank you again... I deeply appreciate it! Watch for the expanded Secrets of Fey Swamp soon! :-)
