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A member registered Jun 12, 2019

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The game was ok, but the performance ruined the experience for me.

This could easily be the worst cooking game I've ever played.
The mechanics are just horrible and I eventually lost my patience.

I couldn't even finish the game because one of the clients took a milk and then I wasn't able to interact with him.

Thanks for the reply!
The vending machine just kept trying to attack me while I was in the boy's bathroom.
I waited for a pretty long time but it never left. I eventually got out but I got instantly killed.

I would say that, without a doubt, that is the most annoying aspect of the game.
The other problem is that I don't understand neither the chess puzzle nor the piano puzzle.
I did finish them, but only by pressing buttons randomly like a crazy old man.

I am not saying that the game is bad, but it just feels incomplete.

(3 edits)

Fuck that possessed vending machine.I was never able to beat the game thanks to it. I even got stuck in a room without being able to leave, as the fucking vending machine wouldn't give me a break to get out. The chess and piano puzzles were never explained either...

This game is not too bad, but it's basically impossible to beat in its current state, so I eventually gave up and uninstalled it.

Thanks a lot :)

WOW! Awesome work!
I'm in the process to become a game dev and I might eventually use this in one of my first games.

Thanks a lot for this contribution to the PSX community.

You're welcome!

To be fair, I actually finished the game.
You did a great job, and if I had to choose between upvoting or downvoting it, then I would definitely upvote it, because it is a good game.

It's just that its slow pace and story were not exactly my cup of tea.

It's not a bad game, but it's too repetitive for my taste, and not scary enough. 

It was fun.

Good job.
It was nothing deep, but I still finished the 4 endings.

Oh, it's ok,
I wish you good luck as a game developer. 

It's basically a shitty game...
But I rate this 5/5 because I love stories about pervert entities stalking sexy girls.
As a horror game, this was terrible, since I found myself just laughing and rooting for the ghost.

"Ah, it tastes good."

I gave up after I opened the gate.
The character moves way too SLOW and I never really knew what I had to do or where I had to go.

I ended up watching a full gameplay to see the ending and I realized that I almost finished the game myself.

But the ending wasn't anything special to be honest, and none of it made any sense to me. 

Extremely broken game (if we can call it a game).
You should at least fix this so that the character cannot walk on the water and fall out of the game map.
There is also another issue with the elevator; it stops working and you cannot go up after the first time.

I'm still not sure whether this was a smart idea or simply the worst demo ever...

1 out of 5

I would rate this "game" higher if I could actually play it instead of being stuck in a black screen.

The game is completely glitched and I can't see absolutely anything. I can move and hear my footsteps, but that's it...
No wonder that the game is called "Stargazing."

There is a lot, and I mean a LOT to be improved.

(1 edit)

Well, I must say that this game was a big improvement over the previous ones, even though it's still kinda average.
3/5 for this one.

Keep going. You definitely have potential to make great games eventually. 

"I RUNNED to the police." LOL
Other than that, I'm gonna give this one 1/5.

(I rated "The Restaurant" with 0.5 out of 5, so this is an improvement) 

I give this 0.5 out of 5
And I feel like I'm being too nice here.

It's a disturbing game and the concept is interesting.

I got to a point where I couldn't even progress any further.
This felt more like playing a prototype than an actual game.

I wouldn't say that this is a "bad" game, but it has way too much text for my personal taste.
Also, the fixed camera angles can feel a bit uncomfortable sometimes. 

Por supuesto que sí.
De todos modos, soy uno de tus fans :)

El problema no es la falta de explicación; el problema es la falta de iluminación :D 

This is more like a prototype than an actual game.
The monsters don't even attack you if you don't use the flashlight. 

(1 edit)

Claro, de todos modos, fue divertido.

En cuanto a las velas, puede que hayan "demasiadas velas" si ya conoces un poco el juego y sabes bien lo que tienes que hacer. Recuerda que (obviamente) es tu juego. Tú lo diseñaste y conoces todos los pasos a seguir. 
Y sí, sé que es perfectamente posible que otros jugadores no hayan tenido la misma suerte que yo.  Tal vez yo fui muy lento o muy tonto a la hora de investigar. Tampoco quiero decir que tengas toda la culpa. 

Pero para mí, que lo jugué por primera vez, pues me sentí un poco confundido porque en lo que daba vueltas y vueltas pensando que me faltaba algo, pues me quedaba a oscuras. De hecho, yo diría que el problema no es tanto la cantidad de velas ni el hecho de que se agoten.
Creo que el verdadero problema es que la iluminación del juego no te permite ver nada sin las velas. Es decir, hay varios juegos donde tienes una linterna, y cuando se descarga la batería, pues obviamente ya no la puedes utilizar. Pero aún así el juego te permite ver un poco los alrededores, a pesar de que se vea oscuro. Pero en este caso, it's 100% black.

De todos modos, no creo que sea un "mal juego" realmente. De hecho, si no fuera por eso, le daría 4 estrellas. 

(1 edit)

Lamento tener que decir esto, pero creo que arruinaste el juego con la mecánica de las velas :(
Me quedé totalmente a oscuras sin poder progresar ni ver absolutamente nada, lo cual es una verdadera lástima, porque el juego me parece muy interesante y también me gustaron los gráficos estilo PS1. 

Voy a intentar jugarlo una vez más, pero no puedo prometer nada...

Update: Bueno, tras haberlo jugado nuevamente, volvió a ocurrir exactamente lo mismo, solo que esta vez logré avanzar un poco más.
Así que definitivamente el juego tiene un serio problema.

Por cierto, ¿cómo se supone que debía adivinar que tenía que romper una ventana para poder avanzar, cuando el juego en ningún momento te especifica que puedes romper ventanas corriendo hacia ellas?

En resumen, son detalles muy importantes que terminaron arruinando por completo mi experiencia.

If this was all caused by drinking alcohol, then I will NEVER drink alcohol again in my entire life!

Now, jokes aside, I personally didn't like this game that much.
And, at this point, I am also starting to realize that 'Bored Leviathan' games might not be my cup of tea.

I'm not saying that these games are "bad," and I know that the developer put a lot of work into them. But I feel like they don't live up to my expectations of what I like in a horror game. 

It's average.

Eh... It's like a 3 out 5.

Not bad, but not great either.

(1 edit)

While this is not Bored Leviathan's best game, it is certainly much better than the first Mannequin House game.

I think that this is my least favorite game of Bored Leviathan so far.

This was a big improvement over your first game.

It's not a "must-play," but this was the very first game made by this developer and it's not a bad game by any means.

Everything was basically going fine until that annoying floating face monster.
I tried multiple times but ended up quitting the game.