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A member registered Feb 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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Will u please Make A Trick Shirt Please I would buy it

u make very good games my favorite is Date Trick your games are very good i try to make a game with my sister but it is to hard to make a game i am just thanking just to right a story instead i cannot use RPG Maker because i do not know how to do that i can watch a video on it but i don't have the time u have inspire my to right a story but keep making games This is DanielLeanderRayHarrell signing off and keep it up and please comment back please      

I like your new game it was fun to play i haven't got all the endings yet but great job keep it up

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Hi Nami i have a Theory the all of the series lonely wolf treat and syrup and the ultimate sweet are link up i am playing the game never mind the games are link up i just got to the part where it shows treat and please comment back 


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IDK if it will show up on my feed but i'am following you and how i found out the password was i got so mad i just start put in it in random and then i got the password then i went back just to make shore that it was right because i went so fast when i put the password and please comment back and i follow you on twitter 

will you please tell me when part 5 come out and in part 3 i figure out the password to the vault and please comment back 

okay i can't wait for  to come out have i great day or night 

Hi Nami my name is Daniel but what it is that i wont to tell you is this you made a great game i watch a youtuber named Mairusu i was watching him play you game lonely wolf treat and all the other games that went with that game and it is a great game  and i would like to know when the 5th part come out and please comment back