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dan qui dam

A member registered Mar 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Well done! Sounds like a great way to Tell Tales, especially with some Fate twists 🏴‍☠️ 

I'm pretty sure these Last voyages can become pretty emotional. Safety tools (and tissue) are required :)

Changeling is great but I must admit I prefer your Nameless city concept/card face! That's a cool idea in which, well, changelings inhabit until they find a 'victim' to copy. Would love to play in this city

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Always great to have some game-content created by the players during the game!! Great idea to make rumors this way, well done

"Cute" is the right word Indeed 😄🤘

Pretty cool concept idea! Love the 'change with seasons' thing, it could inspire us for many more creatures too :)

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Reminds me of the chubb chubb monsters! From an old short animated movie I was fond of. Do you know them?

(2 edits)

Well I'm not sure to properly understand this card (that's not easy English!) but I like its mood

They're all cute and deep

Great job! 8 great inspirational characters drawn on a card size. You rule 🤘

Thanks!!! I love all of them!! They're cute and deep

Please wait a bit, I'm going to hug Bill ✨💖🐂 they need some support 

Clever concept and game design! Well done

Enfin, je prends le temps de lire cette carte postale et… c'est trop cool! En plus on peut utiliser les Tools et Styles dessus, c'est trop trop cool ♥ bravo!

Thanks! I'll try to play a better pray

(1 edit)

I guess cards can be updated after the jam

Anyways, thanks for liking my idea! That's just a detail and your concept is still great without it

but I only get the 2/3 ending, are there some secrets?

Uncomfortable game, well done! Not a great guide on ‘how to escape killers’, though. 

Concept is great! I love the "cycle favor between players and GM" idea. I'm a bit sad about this front card though: the engraving/art is a bit stretched

Hi, sounds pretty cute and funny! Can we have a complete preview of the card to be able to talk more about it please? 

That's a pretty cool rule/creature to add in a game group! 

I'm not sure about the "Obey" concept, maybe it should be more lire an "answer/help/comply"? Since the character is asking a favor rather as giving an order? This way, it could better evoke creatures such as Jinns... And so make things funny because Jinns are not obeying, they're complying on their own tricky ways 😁

(Anyways, these are détails! I love your concept!)

Sounds like a great habit for hard times. I hope you still continue to look at sun now, maybe without the need to write it, but to warm your heart day after day and remember loved ones! To keep their memories alive. Thanks again for this game. Take Care ☀️

A party can be sitting around a table to tell a story about dancing bards on rollerblades, also singing and playing some vintage guitare. That's another kind of party, but still a party (at least to me)

Oh! That's something that can easily be corrected! Thanks! For this grammar point and the kind word 

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To remember an actual family member (but I didnt "finish" the game, I only answered a few questions)

I still need some time to play grieving characters, but one day I should be able to! 

that's a great concept and also a great self-care tool!

(to let you know, I shared it on my last years' newsletter about solo games on grieving)

emotional, thanks

(to let you know, I shared it on my last years' newsletter about solo games on grieving)

Reminds me so many night I wasn't able to sleep. I wish I knew your game by this time

(Anyway thanks, I shared it on my last years' newsletter about solo games on grieving)

That's indeed cathartic, but also a way to honor Them. Thanks

Still great to read your game. Tea is always a great way to talk about deep things, in-character or in-real-life. Thanks

(i shared your link in my last year's 21th newsletter focused on solo ttrpgs)

A great concept for such an emotional experience. Thanks a lot

(i talked about it in my 21th newsletter)

Tough, but thank you (a lot) for writing and putting it online. This kind of game is important to read and play

(i shared your link in my 21th solo-TTRPGs-newsletter)

A great way to remember. Pretty emotional tough

Thanks for this experience 

(i shared your link months back in my newsletter)


Thanks for this experience (I shared your link in my thematic newsletter, about solo games focused on grieving)

Thanks for this cathartic experience. I shared it last year in my newsletter about solo games on grieving.

Hope it has helped a few people discover this game.

I don't know What Deor means (the Internet tell me about Old English for gods' and kings' poems?) but I love the chimera idea! That's also a nice bookmark 👀 The back of the card is pretty cool to look at!

That's a pretty cool concept! Cryptid under cover: that's great!!

I may will worship them to

Sounds pretty lovely! ✨🐲 

This card is so cute... And powerful! Well done, cute little frog with a hat, you're a true joker. We need to party!

This card is so cute... And powerful! Well done, cute little frog with a hat, you're a true joker. We need to party!

Clever and lovely card! that's beautiful art alongside a cool story seed 💚 Love it!

That's a pretty cool concept! I love monsters/cryptids and cults/worshipped creatures, thus: great to see them gathered there in this Faux Devil