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A member registered Jan 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the review. I like the Didnapper game, and.... of course I was inspired by it. Developing QTE Struggle helped me understand how QTEs work in Unity and how animation happens in Unity. 

The game is now in development. I don't understand your outrage, because I NEVER intended to make a COPY of Didnapper. And when the third mechanic is added by me, it will really be a Surprise.

I need to do some assets first, after that it will take about a month to develop the new, third mechanics and graphics.

I don't know, it's hard to say. 

I read the C# Unity tutorial in June, half of July and August I did this mechanic specifically and it's without prefabs. i've already started doing second core gameplay mechanic (struggle in captivity after lose), i expect to finish that in less than a month.

Another month for assets and a couple of locations, i think

attack and ability animations, i think a week.