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A member registered Aug 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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I've updated the game with bug fixes, and the music. Any other suggestions would be welcome. Thanks

We didn't hook in some of the audio at the time of the game-jam. A patch is coming in the next few days. 

Assets by Sketch

Music by peritune and Sounds effects by Tidohuki

Very cool game, plays kinda like a 64x64 super meat boy would

It gets a lot harder when you reach newgame+ witches start using more patterns, and there are subtle clues in their battle message as to what the strategy is, although we could make this better, Thanks for playing!

I enjoyed that, it was a good laugh, thanks!

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Thanks for the feedback. We made V.1 in 48 hours for the Global game jam. I'm going to polish it up and I'm certainly considering making a full game with this mechanic in. Glad you enjoyed it :)

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My team's entry for GGJ 2019. It's a survival horror game made in 24 hours inspired partly by Fatal Frame and Doctor Who.
An amateur photographer snaps more than he bargained for whilst taking photos of rare birds in the North American wilderness. But it all goes wrong.
It turned out pretty terrifying. I'm quite proud of the camera flash mechanic the game uses.

You can download it here:

very cool, I always ended up shooting myself in the fish in the barrel game lol

Very stylish!