Kek no worries, and man, good on you to see room for growth and own it. Cheers and best of luck in 2025.
Recent community posts
Blame the game not the players. I hate it too, but the game actively rewards rush spamming, thus you rush spam or play ultra defensive in most matches. The good players can break through camping. But otherwise, just leave the match, it's not worth your sanity to sit in a boring match for 20 minutes and get 50 coins, verses spam rushing a match and getting 60 coins in a couple of minutes.
Eh, I don't think I'd consider a negative KDA when going 2v4 all while having awful scores (meaning very little objective play) good. They are just farming and for 600 points / 60 coins max? They are either BMing or just not very good. You can get 600 points in a couple of minutes on the right map with 3 flag caputres and a win.
Good behind the scenes info, and the game was definitely fun for a 4 day project using new techniques etc. And it's a good heads up for those of us wanting to venture into 3D sooner than later.
I know I left a comment and hope it didn't come off as overly critical. For me it's helpful to see other games, think about what I'd do different or what did (or didn't work) for me personally, etc. As a wannabe developer, it's also helpful to share those thoughts and have discussion if possible (as hearing your reasonings here and process gives me more insight). And I like to play game jam games as if it's like a QA job, as it helps me get into the mindset of both a dev and player.
With that in mind:
- For crosshairs, I think your reasoning makes sense and from a gameplay perspective it works.
- As for recoil (keeping in mind this is a game jam) I'd argue this games recoil felt more like a bug than feature. Recoil in a game like this totally fine, but what is there would likely give some folks motion sickness. The recoil moves not only your gun but also your camera significantly. Further, the player POV/Aim camera turns with the cart (instead of keeping focused like our bodies allow naturally) and bullets have a slight spray pattern. These 3-4 layers made the aiming feel not great at times. My spray and pray method for hundreds of points works better than trying to be accurate ever would.
That would be my analysis anyways. And I hope it doesn't come off as a complaint (because, you know, it's a GJ game and further free to play) but more as an observation that'd I give to someone I want to do well and succeed. My opinions may not be the consensus or right perse, but I do hope they are helpful in some manner. Good luck and if I get a chance I'll check out your main project!
Really polished, didn't go out of a clear set scope and goal and plays great with nice music and legitimately fun but challenging puzzles. While I'm not sure if it fit the Jam theme exactly, it's a great game and you should definitely be proud of this.
I found a small issue with the spike logic . For example, in level 3, to get the Picture without the box/skeleton:
- The section is : Picture | Spike 1 | Spike 2 | Start
- Spike 1 and 2 are in the same state (up).
- Cat moves from Start to Spike 2 safely.
- If you press "space" you'll be pushed back to Start
- If you press "left" you'll be pushed back to Spike 2
- If you now press Space, you'll be pushed to Spike 1 safely.
Seems to happen as the game is trying to put the player back where they came from, but ends up being "chees-able" and exploitable. It works consistently and can let the player spike-push through other areas very easily (like the row of 3 spikes on the right side of level 3). I think you'll need to have the last "safe" square be remembered and have the cat reset to that spot or pushed all the way back visually.
I think things that could have been done within the game jam's time frame that would have improved it would be:
- Cross Hair (probably was in the plan)
- No crazy "recoil" (or what is more likely the camera is just not functioning as intended, which, hey, it's a game jam, I get it. Sometimes you just gotta submit it!)
- Choice of weapon doesn't convey the bullet drop off. Either remove the drastic drop off (or reduce it) or change to weapon to something like a sling shot.
- Bullet impact visual of some sort (even just a flat "bullet hole" image) and when the bullet hits something and the object gets deleted, the smoke trail should NOT get deleted imo. Caused me a bit of confusion.
- Put the character in a roller coaster type cart and use a simple mono "tram" rail to give the player a more immersive "theme park" type feel rather than a "why I am I walking but can't stop or move?"
- Along the same lines, give some visual indicator of some sort that makes it intuitive to know how far left/right I'm allowed to look (or just give me the full 360 degrees since I'm on foot).
- The hour glass seems to push the character back several yards, not sure if that was intended, but it's a bit confusing.
- Indicator or a visual change to the weapon to show fast it is (and somewhere to show how much slower you are). Simple HUD with a count would be fine.
That said, I really like the concept and enjoyed the game. Reminds me of the MIB ride in Orlando where you were in a cart-on-rails-shooter and tried to get the high score against the group you were in. Thanks to my mouse's auto click feature, I was able to score a 800+ points, and had fun with my playthrough once I got orientated to the game. I'm sure the scores of 2000+ won't be too far behind. Great job and good take on the concept!
OH I see! I got the codes figured out then, thanks!
I know what happened that caused me to miss it then. I went to, clicked the links to page 1, and then when I couldn't hit "back" anywhere (that I could find), I saw the url had "" and I changed it to 2 and 3 to get to the other pages (as I figured that was the correct "solution"). Thus I never saw the ad again. Maybe others did the same and missed it like I did. I'd suggest just putting that ad on all 3 pages and that should likely "fix" the "issue". But if I had dug a tad more, I would have found it. So player error more than anything.
Again, great job! Really polished overall and hope your future endeavors go well!
Okay, it took a couple of tries, but I get what ya'll are going for and I like the idea. It's a 60 Seconds! meets Phasmaphobia. My thoughts (while keeping in mind that this is a game jam):
- Visuals and atmosphere and great. More would be nice (different researchers, etc) but you knew your scope and didn't over reach.
- Menu and day progression is good, though I think the bug where the "next day" overlays the "this is what happened during your chosen task" was pretty discombobulating, and while it's a GJ, would have helped the flow of the game tremendously.
- Task mechanics work fine, and I appreciate that when there's nothing left to do with a task, it gets greyed out.
- The journal and the entire goal of the game to figure out "what door is this" is neat, but wasn't obvious to me (probably because I skimmed some text tbf). That said, I think to help not-so-smart gamers like myself, forcing the player open the journal would be smart.
- My only hold up on the game is the fact that all the missions are just 100% luck/random and there's nothing you can do to prevent failure. Clearing out monsters was easy enough to figure out. But the fact that you can choose the researchers to send in, and that a researcher/guard can die right off the bat feels... bad? As a player I just feel I have little agency, and the best option is to clear out all the "safe" tasks, and then brute force the expedition until I have enough GREEN words to select a monster. This is pretty much the strat and while it was fun to figure out, it doesn't offer the player any agency or replay value mechanically (though there might be more story to it).
- Also, there's a bug that soft-locks the game. It's when it ask me to press space on some text, but space does nothing. At least it's happened to me a couple times now.
So, outside of the bugs, I think the biggest upgrade to the game is giving the player more agency in their choice (60 Seconds! has some simple but solid methods in how they achieve this). Obviously, it's a game jam, and there's never enough time to do everything you want. What you have is impressive, and you chose to keep things within scope and that's a talent not many of us have. Great job overall, and glad you submitted this great work!
Hope this helps those who were confused at first like me:
- Game is Phasmophobia + Pheonix Wright
- You are gathering clues to identify the type of door/SCP 2317 variant.
- Check your journal to see if you have enough clues to identify the door or what clues you need or to choose a door if you have no time left and have to guess.
- You can perform 3 tasks a day (one each at 0800 , 1200, and 1600 hours).
- Note: There's a bug when you do your 1600 (3rd) task each day, the "Next Day" screen will often/always overlay the results of your task.
- When a research option is greyed out, you've gathered all the clues from it.
- Note: psych evals and eradicate are not research and are greyed out until there's a reason to use them.
I have run into a bug where you can't hit space to progress text and get soft-locked a few times unfortunately.