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A member registered Sep 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Maye I am exceptionally dumb but I can not finish level 2 + I can not delete anything :(

The only issue is that there is literally no reason to not stay in "crouching mode" all the time

Idk if this is only a browser issue, but when I die and try again I can't either shoot or move and there are no enemies :(

I enjoy the premise, but the invisible wall gimmick is infuriating :(

(Insider knowledge)
1) If you collect less than 5 and the time runs out , you actually die when you fall
2) If you go faster, or fall faster, I should say, the timer on the right goes faster, so you have less time overall
3) Collecting spirits increases the amount of time you have until you fall by 2 seconds
Appreciate you playing it :)

Great game, the only thing I could ever ask for is for it to restart the level and not the entire game :)

Thank you, I wrote it myself :3

The only issue I have is that before you find the shield, it's a bit tedious cause you physically have no way to survive, other than that great game :)

Thank you :3

Understandable :(

Game is just hard enough for me wanting to throw my PC across the room and but not hard enough for me to actually do it :)

Now seems to be working fine :)
Maybe one of those floating bugs

Decided to try and download and it works that way, but in the browser (Firefox) it does not

(1 edit)

I do not get any logic blocks to interact with :(

There is a slight issue when you try to shoot near top the wall, the bullets just hit it and disappear.