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A member registered Sep 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! Makes sense, I'm still ironing out in game tutorials :)

Yeah it's just the way it is, unfortunately UE hasn't had a way to export as a web build for some time so options are limited

Fun game, very enjoyable animations xD

Not bad for a first game, movement felt good, you got me a few times with the timer lol. I would say it just needs some sounds to spice it up a bit

I'll be waiting for the review :P

Thanks for playing! I'm still working on ironing out the starting tutorials for my games lol

Thanks for playing! That's fair I just didn't get to it in time lol

My setups an i9, 64 gb ram, 8gb graphics card. Not sure about FPS I didn't check it out. The game was running smoothly for me tho.

Interesting concept and neat intro but I would have liked to seen some gameplay changes each warp to mix it up a bit or maybe have the mushroom move as you try to pick it up lol.

Thanks for playing! I have been using UE on and off for a few years and this year I decided I would take it more seriously has a hobby.

Decent concept but I would have preferred to have full movement and the arrow having more of a bounce effect to see it easier for picking up

I like the idea of hiding in the shadows from the enemies but I would have liked some way of fighting back using robots or the robots being keys to the next door, overall I would say this needs some work to flesh out a gameplay loop.

Pretty decent game, the movement and getting stuck on terrain are the most notable. I would have liked to have the grapple on a different key like space or rmb  instead of grapple being on E, my fingers had a hard time trying to parse pressing W, E, D at the same time. Also the double jump feels way to strong I went 10+ just by jumping lol

Good sound effects and a solid base, I would like to have had some health pickups or lifesteal to keep the run going

Thanks for playing and the feedback!

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Thanks for playing and the feedback! The idea with them being hard to see was that my original idea was they would have some sort of color change to make them easier to see but I ran out of time xD

Thanks for playing and feedback! I agree the enemies could have been fleshed out a bit more to judge their hit range.

Thanks for playing! I did have a hard time trying to make the main game work so I was having fun in the sandbox with the effects xD

Thank you for trying out my game, I'm glad you enjoyed it and giving me feedback! I know Unreal has those files sizes :/ but it's up to me to try and convince you to play it :) . The grappling system is very basic, I agree, I wanted to go with a more hold the button approach however the overall gameplay loop needed to be done for time. World size was hard for me to judge, should I increase the range of the grapple or shorten the bounds but I'm glad you said the bounds were too large I will make note of that for the future :D

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Haha, thank you! I didn't go shopping so my stash of snacks was low this time around. I agree the stats need a little work, it was fairly long process to set up conversion functions from the Chaos data to stats so once I had something to work with, I just went with it. The skybox was there in initial testing and  was actually going to be another random parameter for the world generation as a "lower atmosphere" type of vibe but I decided at the last minute to toggle it off

The going rate is that training data can't include copyrighted work or the output can be claimed so use with that word of caution