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A member registered Jul 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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well made graphics and cool driving mechanic, couldn't survive long because killing zombies just caused my truck to be way to slow to continue and they swarm me way to fast. Maybe just a skill issu... great sounds aswell!

Ty for the comment ! The breaking of the tutorial happens when you place the cannon before it tells you too ( we found that out too late). The escape problem was also found out too late so we couldn't change it ... thx for report anyways! Do you think we should continue developing ?

Thanks for the comment! It is supposed to be an survive as long as you can! There will be new levels for quests later on!

Really interesting game, very creative, I love the graphics.But I was to dumb to find the shelter so if you could add some more navigation the game wont take that long to walk with the feeling you won't find anything helpfull. overall great job well polished!

I really like the graphics of that one and it is really cool to figure out all the secrets to move on. great job!

I really like the graphics of that one and it is really cool to figure out all the secrets to move on. great job!

Pretty interesting and unusual :D

Wait there is a export function for scratch or how does this work ?

#16 are you kidding, that is only because of it beeing a downloadable

even though you used such cheap textures and all didn't fit it somehow is fun to play and you get used to the style very fast. Love the cheap jokes like spain without a. You could make the movement faster because it is a little annoying to walk for a few seconds without any interacable. anyways just tips and for a game Jam game solid!

pls tell me

(2 edits)

sry i forgot to make someting

Toyuu reacted with 👍

How can someone want to miss that experience :D

Arnold is now dead  :)

poor arnold I killed him

I like drilling!

the new speedrun mode is so cool!

very very well done ty for every single developer developing on this game, so good! I never thought about the storietelling aspect .

hi so this is extra?


can I join the team then?

am an godot idiot too

I never faced that issue and am not that much in Godot 4.1, but you can show the game maybe i find something 

what engine?

did the mac version work?

Since you made the collection I have to play that tomorrow! looks interesting

I never thought someone would continue mine ! so cool and new things added !

Cool to see the package mechanic being more involved.

Ty so much ! 

why is there no collection and why did none write godot in their title?

I already made one

I will make you chef if you tell me how ...

I made a Discord server for everyone who is willing to do such collab games even more.

Since I am not that good at making discord servers I would appreciate help.

Niederländisch? ich bin lost ...

Are you ab able to create one because I am to stupid in discord:)

Life is hard beeing a noob!

I think my games never have been developed anyfurther :( this one!

I do not think so because not everyone sais under the project he does it so it is unclear ...

looks sick!

I am still stuck on uploading another one so good that you found one !

now It works but I dont know what I changed lol , I didn't change much because it is too advanced for me xD