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A member registered Jun 16, 2018 · View creator page →

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Could you add an asexual option? I want to play this game, but I'm put off by the sexual content. Adding an option to skip some more of the sexually explicit dialogue/scenes would be fine.

I had more lines recorded however I didn't have time to process them all. Thank you for playing my game!

+1 for linux support!

As I said I don't have a mac, however this site might be able to help:

If you know how to use WineSkin this game runs really well through it! I don't have a mac, instead I use linux and I found this game runs great through wine (which wine skin is based off of).

Thank you for playtesting my games! I've already started work on my next game. Its called GunStreet and its a tower-defense game. This time its with monsters instead of robots. I'm glad you have fun with my game.

Its been fixed in the latest update! Thanks for letting me know, that was a facepalm moment! :)

I know exactly what went wrong. It will be a quick fix, so wait a second.

Thanks for being really thorough with the bugs. I'm glad you like my game, I will be sure to tell when I release another. Also, do you have any idea for what my next game could be? I'm kinda stuck :(.

Thanks for testing! I will try to fix some of the bugs. And look at the implementing the improvements. I'm glad you had fun playing the game!

Amazing game! Really captured the feel of the metroid games. I liked the pixelated 3D graphics that make the game feel like the 90s. By the way, how did you make the pixelated effect in Godot?

I am still receiving bug reports. And yes, you can leave the bugs in the comments.

You can tap the jump button twice to double jump

MechTek a 2D mech shooter, has been released! Currently it is free to download for a limited time so that I can get bug reports and other feedback. However once this period is over existing users will not have to pay.


Fixed! Thanks for letting me know!

Thank you for your feedback! I will try and fix the bug. Thank you for playing! :) I will also add a section to the game page explaining the different weapons.

Awesome, I'm making a game in Godot as well. That worm scared me so bad :D!

Awesome game! What did you guys make it in?

What fraction of a second is a single TC-06 cycle?