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A member registered Mar 13, 2021

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this is bloom off, gamma 0.1. its a bit better a hope it give you some clues.

gamma 0 is wack, idk. and bloom off brings back the sky

(2 edits)

I couldn't figure out how to change the settings? this was the defult.
fullscreen was the same.

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windows 11 home

type x64

i5-1035G1 1.00GHz 1190Mhz, 4 Cores, 8 logical processors

8gb RAM

intel(R) UHD Graphics

1366 x 768 x 60 hertz


how do i find that?

a bit to visually dark and laggy otherwise it would be good

good play it

it needs more to do maybe upgrades to buy, people, mission or wrold building. and polish

I was excited to play, but my game is all yellow and super bright im playing from the app. let me know if i need t do something or please fix thanks

thanks sorry new to

very good puzzle

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*it dont work and i really wanted it to :(*  EDIT: yeah capital letters it was lol

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doesnt work mouse doesnt exist keys do nothing Edit: ok im just dumb

Amazing, would be nice to have a larger area, early game is harder late game is easier

maybe a lil less loving this game

the fixs are nicer but now they are so far away that you basiclly soft lock yourself(also i want more planets)

how do i rate in a space jam

the problem isnt the big planets, i love the difficulty. ITS WHEN THEY SPAWN IN YOUR ASS ANS INSTANTLY DIE(plz fix)

Amazing however id like to see more progresion

doesnt work

absolute legend, im new to and didnt know what to do(i used to app). thank you

thanks a bunch

how do i run this game?