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A member registered Jul 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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I just don't know what to start with.

You had to put a lot of work in this game. It looks great! I played it but it just isn't my type of game. 

Controls were really hard to me. Maybe because it doesn't have perfect tutorial. It just throws player in doing everything from the beginning. I spent a few minutes thinking how to travel to first objective and almost closed the game. Travelling between star systems and planets was really confusing.

Fighting system is too dull (but again, maybe it's because it isn't my type of game). Watching my big fleet shooting straight ahead instead of aiming at one last enemy wasn't the greatest time of the game.

Also, genre is a niche but watching you updating this game and doing so much work... Wow. I'm impressed! Keep it going ;)

Not a lot if you play like me and you end with 6 lives in the end on Normal difficulty :D Anyways, great game! Liked the music and sound effects.