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A member registered Sep 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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might be a few days longer or more check back in a week or so

except not as long

So like 6-7 days or longer probably

I think 6 or 5 days now

how soon you may ask? find out next time on dragonball Z!


there is an APK?

Just like almost everyone's balls after playing it

How did this not get any down votes? I guess a lot of you must have thought it was too funny to be taken down

And so will all of us if you catch my drift~

also more like 15 now since I'm guessing you commented just yesterday

good to know

i've already lost track of the days how long now? XD

Ty to whomever did the up vote also I hope you realize if they release it like I suggested there might be a few new bugs but I guess that's what your counting on I mean who doesn't like to play around with game bugs?

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also I know the sin kids will be much later probably like chapter 10 or higher just a guess

Why does the one with the white hair look like she's related to Linkcoln?

It's rare to get the attention of a games writer

it won't be ntr or sharing I'm pretty sure they thought of a way around it being cheating since as of rn she's still with his father but they don't wanna break up characters or put divorce which will be hard because of those relationships but they'll figure it out I have faith 

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neither of those websites have it but 5mod probably does have nsfw stuff maybe idk I didn't look but you can find a lot of apks on there as for the other one it has some stuff you can't find on itch

If you read where it says frequently asked questions it shows the future plans there

look at the number of days they said and you'll get your answer

(2 edits)

what a child's reaction to an adult joke be like if this post gets more than 10 down votes I will delete it

having the posts separate would make it easier for people that do need help and don't really want to have scroll down

ignore them you should release the 3rd one whenever it's fully ready or when you at least have part of it already coded and everything 

Hopefully when this gets updated there's a lot more color to it

how is a nsfw game in a YouTube short?

harem and NTR are different

This looks promising

didn't know you were working on this Crimson

Heh good one

how do you open .rar files on mobile?

just curious if there will be a mobile version 

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You should really show for what platforms some people might click on this game thinking it's only for one platform or something although you do get to see which I es once you get to this page it'll help you a lot more to do that bc people will skip over your game if they don't know what they can play it on

What's new so far?

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Tbh these types of games are not for people that's dislike or hate lewding loli's

I wasn't following before so I didn't know there was an update till now but now I'm following so I don't miss anything

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True I only am able to speak and read English I don't want to run every little thing through a translator on the web just bc I can't read the language but at least the art style is good

I'm sure the dev hates making us wait as much as we hate waiting ik some of us act like we don't really do much else than look to see if stuff like this has been updated yet and maybe some of you do which I won't judge anyway seeing how long it took for the 1st chapter to be finished the second one will take just as long if not longer I'm sure pls for the devs sake try to be patient 

don't think they've implemented sound just yet 

You have to unzip the file first