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Coffee All Night Games

A member registered Dec 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for the feedback! There is nothing a designer likes hearing more than that people are actually playing the games. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

For multiple 6s on a roll, treat the extra 6s as Lucky Breaks (regain a die or clear exhaustion). The card suit is still the same as a clue the investigator is getting in that scene.

And as far as narrating the conclusion of scenes, I had intended it to still be a back and forth conversation between the players, but simply one that ends the scene and answers the dramatic question at hand. The Investigator gets to declare clues specifically. Upon rereading it, you're absolutely correct in that it isn't very clear. I may have to update this with some errata when I have the chance. This was the project I was trying to learn layout by brute force, and there's definitely some cleaning up that could be done here.

Thank you! I can't wait to hear about the weird stories your table cooks up.

(1 edit)

I finally got this to the table and I absolutely love it! It has a very different feel than most OSR type games, and in this case the mechanics do a lot to support the themes in play. Artwork, color palette, and layout are gorgeous. 

I highly recommend clicking that purchase button if you're interested in OSR or rules light games, but are in the mood for something with a little more whimsy.

Love to hear it!

Coffee?! Why in the world would someone tie their gaming brand to coffee..wait a second! *Checks own user name* Yeah, I'll check that out

Glad to hear it! Let me know how it goes!

Thank you very much!

Hey, thanks for throwing the party. I had a lot of fun, tried something new, and ended up with something I'm rather proud of. I'm working on a VTT asset pack of NPCs/monsters that'll be out shortly, as well as a statted up version of The Tomb of All Worlds for my own game, Heartbreaker. Looking forward to future shenanigans.

I'm very excited about this bot. However, I'm not able to find a command list. Is one available somewhere?