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A member registered Aug 26, 2016

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yeah, windows 10 64bit here too but sorry don't really know what to tell you.

this game gives me the creeps, awesome job.

" >

I know the old game didn't have a save feature, but will you be adding one to yours? Also if that's the easiest boss I'm going to need Jesus for the others haha but don't make it to easy now, I was still able to kill him with the right weapon. Keep up the great job man.

hahaha but I still had fun man, but that boss was a pain lol dam that big ass bat!!!

You ROCK, incredible work. Had so much fun playing and the graphics OMG.


This game is so dam fun, i love it. GO SUPER ADAM!!!.


well never forget No Mario's Sky :(


fun game, but i feel so bad for the kids hahaha.

" f

funny and fun lol, Goombas with hair you can't go wrong.
