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A member registered Jul 15, 2017 · View creator page →

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Yeah thats not supposed to happen at all, maybe you frove out of the windiw by accident ? If thats not the issue i have no idea.

Ok so i played it, got stuck at drawing and just rage quit as i didn't know what to do, liked it tho !

i actually was going to add that but at the end it didn't get in because i didn't have time enough.

(1 edit)

You shouldn't be able to get randomly hit as they spawn at least 64 pixels away from you (about 4 times the player) 

I just want to say that is says submitted 5 hours before deadline but it was changed multiple times after that

I don't know if this is the right place for feedback also im not far in the game because im didn't have much time to play but let's get to the point;

-2 weapons to start are maybe i bit too few

-Can't rebind to r and rebind the reset button 

-let the player know what the counter is to pick up another weapon (didn't know it until i died 5 times to that)

For the rest i really like it ! Good Job !(coming from someone that did play super crate box, risk of rain,...)

enemys now drop down and jump up platforms !

well then the game broke because that is  normally not possible !

Ok cool now i can enter too !

Bullet Bash community · Created a new topic Windows .exe

Can it also be a html game ?