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Clockwork Passerine

A member registered Jul 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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Please consider adding my "The Haunting of Ghosty Joe" game if you can! Its free, but its my first and only submission to the category:

(1 edit)

There's a notable lack of ducks in gaming. Thank you for helping to remedy this with this super adorable game :)

The music and artwork is very cute! I love the geese especially. I also spent like half an hour trying to get to that barn, so the gameplay was pretty fun too.

Only minor issue is that there were a couple of places where if you missed the goose you'd be stuck against the wall and couldn't escape. Maybe just adding a restart on a double-tap or long press of the space bar could help?

Either way, great work!

Super cute and very fun! Also its a small detail, but I like that you have the camera zoom in/out based on Joe the seal's speed.  I see from another comment that you're planning on porting to mobile, which I think is a great idea! Awesome work :)

I love how you were able to make four separate mechanics from one button! 

The game turned out super well, and playing it is genuinely a lot of fun. Haven't quite beaten FuzroDa yet though ;)

Thank you for playing! Glad you liked it :)

Thanks for playing!  Increasing the number of signs is a really good idea, and sounds fun to make (as well as play, hopefully).

This was  an awesome game jam! Thanks for the great theme, it really forced a lot of creative thinking