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Clayton Does Things

A member registered Jul 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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Neat concept, nice music, nice environment. Bugs seem to just freeze randomly and when you get to the fog section, it feels just like kinda sad and the map is bigger. Linux instructions need a `chmod +x {executable name} ` in the instructions but it doesn't work anyway because the custom cursor for some reason doesn't work. However, the Windows version works on Linux through Wine with only one problem - if the window loses focus, it can't get it back (though that might just be the window manager I'm using, has some bug in the focus behavior I'm using iirc but haven't noticed problems in other applications). Didn't end up beating the game since all of my bugs froze. Would be good to have some indicator that an enemy was marked for attack.

Cool art. The mouse sensitivity feels way too high. Like the voice over. Escape key to exit doesn't seem to work on the last scene. Linux and Mac builds are 0 bytes large but seems to work through Wine. Had more fun with this than Elder Ring.

I've been having a good time running it on Wine (Steam Proton) on my Pop!OS machine.

I can't go left.

Thank you! - btw I'm one of the developers of this game.

@JHMstudios I am working on walking through the building to the hallway from which there will be a visualize option to see your miners mine and other things such as your searchers(yeah ik they need a better name).

It doesn't seem to go with the theme, though great concept

please do

#RemakeJam community · Created a new topic Discord?

Is there a dedicated Discord for this game jam

(2 edits)

I'm getting this error:

nice visuals, but the gameplay could use some improvements