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A member registered Jun 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! I definitely overlooked an in-game pause screen. Hitboxes for the word prompts could've also used more fine-tuning, it was tricky to balance whether I should prioritize clicking on prompts or aiming and firing potions.

Lol and I was worried I was making it too easy! If I had more time, I would've implemented difficulty options that modified stuff like alien spawn rates and amount of potions per word.

Thanks for the feedback! I think I may start updating this game once voting is over. I may have set the wrong anchors for the button that lets you exit the tutorial and control screens. One thing I have to learn is how to scale my UI appropriately for different display sizes.

I think this game excels in the atmosphere. It feels mysterious and looks beautiful! Mixing and matching elements and seeing what spells they create is also very fun. I discovered that you can fly by dropping mushrooms on top of each other. I'd love to see this expanded on with new puzzles, I think it's a really solid project for this jam.