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A jam submission

Aliens are Invading, but Alchemy can Save Us!View game page

This is a brief but challenging typing game I have made for the 2024 Spring Game Jam!
Submitted by CitrusSquid — 5 hours, 29 minutes before the deadline
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Aliens are Invading, but Alchemy can Save Us!'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Relates to theme#34.2434.500
There are win/lose conditions#34.2434.500
Has main menu, exit screen, and controls screen#64.4784.750
Has a minimum play time of 5 minutes#64.2434.500
Must be submitted as a packaged game#74.4784.750

Ranked from 8 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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you sir suck this is like totally impossible for those of us that can't type that accurate that fast I died oh so many times lol it was a crazy scramble but I loved it.

Submitted (1 edit)

you should look into using this as a teaching aid for educational games


Lol and I was worried I was making it too easy! If I had more time, I would've implemented difficulty options that modified stuff like alien spawn rates and amount of potions per word.


Honestly, this is a hectic game, reminds me of the typing-games I'd play when I was a kid, if not a little LESS forgiving than them.
One thing I'd recommend, if you want to expand this into a multi-level game, is maybe making some adjustments to the "How to Play" and "Control" screens, if only because the exit button, wherever it was, was not accessible on my monitor, meaning I had to open my Task Manager and manually close the game to get back to the main menu.
Aside from that, as bad as I am at the game, I do love it.


Thanks for the feedback! I think I may start updating this game once voting is over. I may have set the wrong anchors for the button that lets you exit the tutorial and control screens. One thing I have to learn is how to scale my UI appropriately for different display sizes.


Honestly, this is a hectic game, reminds me of the typing-games I'd play when I was a kid, if not a little LESS forgiving than them.
One thing I'd recommend, if you want to expand this into a multi-level game, is maybe making some adjustments to the "How to Play" and "Control" screens, if only because the exit button, wherever it was, was not accessible on my monitor, meaning I had to open my Task Manager and manually close the game to get back to the main menu.
Aside from that, as bad as I am at the game, I do love it.


No exit or pause screen present. Very hard to keep up with. Trying to type and the potions get thrown. Kept throwing me off. Almost made it to the end!


Thanks for the feedback! I definitely overlooked an in-game pause screen. Hitboxes for the word prompts could've also used more fine-tuning, it was tricky to balance whether I should prioritize clicking on prompts or aiming and firing potions.


Very cute game. I gotta get my typing skills up better because this one was wanting me to be better :P


Very cute game. I gotta get my typing skills up better because this one was wanting me to be better :P


My typing speed has definitively improved thanks to this game. The whole game - theme, visuals, responsiveness -is well done. Satisfying to play. I'd personally like to see this packaged or adapted to be a browser game. Nice work!