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A member registered Jun 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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very goood

your turn is next

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Yeah.  Hope one day there will be more visual stories.  For next game jam I want to upgrade engine behind this game.

There are tasks:

Yeah.  btw You can consult the game's source code to find characters' name.

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Writing story is so funny that I cannot delegate it task to cold machine.  Cold Lord makes this LLM (Lord's Luring Machine) to lure us with this power and then enslave!

Raise your weapon in to the air!  Smash the spy!

And (probably) I met memory leak after 2 hours of playing. 

I dont understand what that object like NamelessGoblin+N and other until tried to launch this game without Internet and got empty screen.  Very cool even for prototype. 

Yeah, I have completed first level only with combinations of two type of towers.  Next levels will be soon.

Cool, but attach link to recommended open source simulator.

Good Job.  This game reminded my other jam submission:


too hard

Exactly what I expected from this Jam.

Sorry, but this looks like EULA

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Oh my!  This is so cool.  May be short "pong" sound will power up entertainment.


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Being able to be shooted by myself is funny, but lack of restarting and large map that does not fit to my window making me sad.

Very interesting!

ahh understand

how to solve 1-3 mission?

so! math levels is tough


It is not your issue.   The game itself is crazy a bit.

release is there:

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#+title: Results of game development

* You need to significantly lower your expectations for your own desires

Ten days to develop a game, most of which will be spent on:

1. The main job,

2. Sports activities,

3. Rest,

4. Important meetings,

5. Bug fixes

6. Rewrite the plot

7. ...

This simply does not allow you to write a serious plot in time. It is better to limit yourself to only one location, one controversial topic and a couple of characters. It is better to choose a topic that is not too complex so that it can be easily explained without losing quality.

The rest of the strength should be spent on polishing the text, adding effects, references, and translating it into English.

* Writing a plot is exhausting

It only seems like there are 100 lines of text. In fact, there are non-linear narrative lines that create the impression of real interaction between characters, rather than playing by script.

On average, I can work on it for an hour at a time, after which my brain begins to respond more slowly to requests, and processing connections slows down.

* You need to finish developing within 1-2 days to get feedback

And fix problems that other people may find during their actions / due to the peculiarities of their systems.

Some interface elements and architectural moments may seem obvious to me but not to the player. It's better to finish the game earlier so you can beautifully design the starting page: add screenshots, CSS styles, and arrange everything nicely. Maybe even write a User Manual.

Another thing I discovered is that the font I initially wanted to use looks bad on Windows machines, and I had to change it late at night.

Also, ideally, you should add notes from the author for foreigners regarding moments that may not be obvious to non-local residents. This is especially important to me because I don't want my games to delve into fantasy escapism. I believe that art should help people understand and transform the world.

* Regarding this particular game

I combined all three of these problems. The original game was supposed to be much bigger and more interesting - I will still release it. I wrote the plot for this jam in a couple of hours on Sunday.


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Source Code:

It 's still in early development stage but enough just for game jam.

The current issues at this time is:

1. Add custom font support

2. fix low fps with sprite in scene

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I've been trying to make a visual novel for a week. Initially I wanted to make it using tsukundere, but then I changed my mind and wanted to make a blank in renpy, but in the end there was no time to transfer it to Lisp.

The game there

Unfortunately, only Russian language is supported for now.

Here is link to wasm game:

Retro, where I reflect on the result (also only in Russian): 

And whole development playlist:

thank you for publishing it under cc0

Trying to understand whats going on is the second (and final) level of entertament that I planned. Thanks for all playing you. This is important for me!