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A member registered Jun 21, 2022

Recent community posts

Hi developer, I am very happy with the Heresphere. It is without a doubt, the best VR player in the market right now. I would like to ask if there is an "auto skip no action gap" feature on ur to-do list? For example, the feature allows customizing a time duration like 15s, if there is no funscript action for more than 15s, it will auto skip to the next action immediately. I think DeoVR has similar feature that you can refer to. 
Also, may I ask when will the see-through update be available on Steam version? 


Hi Heresphere Developer, this is the best VR video player by far. It would be great if you could add funscript heatmap/preview on top of the video timeline. Sometime I want to skip to the intense actions but not sure where they are.

Hi developer, I made a 120fps video using Flowframes and tried to play it using Potplayer and HereSphere. The video is fine in Potplayer but audio and video are out of sync when playing in HereSphere. Any possible solution?

Hi Dev, the Handy server is still having issue. This server issue makes me want to ask; is there a way I can play funscript offline using Heresphere? I just realised that all my funscripts are completely useless when Handy end server having issue. 

Thanks for the information. 1st time I heard that there is a handy discord channel! I will join and check the latest status of the problem. Thank you!!

Suddenly cannot connect to Handy today, it just keeps showing Invalid connection key. I have tried,

- Reset connection key

- Reset Wi-Fi & use different Wi-Fi

- Restart computer, Oculus Quest 2

- Reinstall Heresphere

- Beta and normal version Heresphere 

- Turn off Firewall

- Handy is definitely switched to Wi-Fi mode and it can be connected to DeoVR

 I DDUed the nvidia driver yesterday and installed the latest nvidia driver, not sure if it is the problem. I don't see how it affects only the handy connection.

Is it just me or is it a Heresphere server problem?