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Max Cordeiro

A member registered Jul 22, 2015 · View creator page →

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I thought it had to do with validateAppearance but I commented those lines out and also ran a build (since it's inside an editor check) but it still gets cleared. I actually dug a little deeper and found out it's coming from Start()'s StartCoroutine(WaitFrameThenRebuild(autoRead))! I commented it and it reads without stopping now. I had a lot of Debug.Log's to go through and I must have gone to the wrong one and assumed it was coming from Update(). Sorry about the confusion.

I've run into an issue where text will start to read (draws the first character) and then rebuilds, stops, and clears the drawn text. I have autoRead turned off and I'm calling Read() after instantiating the message object. It looks like it's being rebuilt a few times in SuperTextMesh.cs's Update() which causes it to stop reading. Is it not possible to manually call Read() so soon after instantiating without autoRead? This is the Update() code I'm using to instantiate my message object:

    public void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            msg = UIHandler.instance.LoadMenu(MenuConstants.UIMESSAGE).GetComponent<UIMessage>();
            msg.AddMessage("A wild monster appeared!");

I can provide screenshots of my prefab setup and more code if needed.

Hi Sean! Thank you for 1.3.0! It's helped a ton with some issues I was having before. My sprites are now sorting with tiles (same Sorting Layer, same order, same Z position if that matters), but they're sorting a bit late. Hard to describe so I recorded a GIF of what's going on:

The scene seems set up similar to the MegaDad example scene. Is there anything I might be missing from the documentation? Transparency Sort Axis is also 0,1,0.

Thanks, Sean. This is helpful. Which sorter would work best for SpriteRenderers? Still not able to get the sorting quite like Tiled2Unity's Depth Buffer. This also broke transparency for layers at a lower opacity.

Is there any documentation for the layer/object sorting? I'm upgrading from Tiled2Unity and there doesn't seem to be anything that works similar to Tiled2Unity's DepthBuffer/SpriteDepthInMap functions.