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A member registered May 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thank you for sharing. This game is sweet.:) I have Arduboy, I will try to port it and will share if I succeed. :)

This game is awesome! Thank you! I love that you released the code too. I am also learning Godot and would love to see it. I will try to translate it in bulgarian. 

The game reminds me a bit of the classic Erthworth Jim :)

That was too bad. I would like to suggest you to start using Git repository to store and track all your project files. This is not like to have a backup of the data, however it gives you a chance to move back and forward in time. If you are using a remote repository e. g.. like Giitlab then you could also consider the data has a backup copy. 

You are my man! You are the best! How did you find the time to write even this dev log. Your experience so far is so close to mine.  I share all your thoughts. I have made absolutely the same choice for the game engine (because I support and love free (as a beer) software) and the genre of my first game. I like all the stupid 2D platformers that make you just play without much of a thinking. :) One of my favorite games genres is also Metroidvanias, the other is turn-based strategies. I like also real-time strategies, therefore I'm not strong there. :) Good luck man! I've also subscribed myself to this game jam, however I'm really busy in the outside world so I really hope I will be able to make it, unfortunately I have to work only over the nights. My plan is to make simple 2D platformer similar to Mario (saving princesses ;) ) or another favorite game from my childhood is Tiny Toons - Buster's Hidden Treasure (Sega) In my case I'm going to use some free to use arts from OpenGameArt website. In parallel I'm having a popular Godot course from (Ben Tristem and Yann Burrett).

Good luck!

Hm.. I installed it from client on Linux. This what I was able to research for the version:

$ ./diver_down-linux64.x86_64 --version


$ md5sum diver_down-linux64.x86_64

a983f185cddde39880d9acc37174265a  diver_down-linux64.x86_64

On it is reported as : game 318624, version  #1105963

(2 edits)

I like this game a lot. :) Thanks a lot this experience too, and for sharing it together with the code as well! I'm a newcomer and started learning Godot recently. So far I'm really happy :) If I'm right I think this is the corner-case bug mentioned by cassowary: