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A member registered Sep 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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I really do appreciate this. That different cars idea is genius. Never would have thought of it and yes I do understand your frustration, I tried making it so you could always dodge them as long as you were good enough but sadly it seems I did not accomplish that.

I will. Thanks for playing!

Thank you for playing!

Superb art my guy. Good job.

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing!

Thanks for playing. I wanted to work alot more on the art but my motivation died near the end, so I simply submitted what I had. Sorry for the death SFX, I did not realize how loud it was. The ending is at 2500m.

I'm happy you gave it a shot! Thanks for playing!

I'm sorry. I fixed it

I play on laptop so I did not have a scroll wheel. Got past the two button level bt could not pass tge next

Hm, alright. I'll keep it in mind.

Thank you for playing! Yeah, I've noticed the Chromatic Abrasion was turned up a bit too high after the fact. Guess my eyes got too adjusted. Can you tell me how the controls were stiff?

Thank you for playing! I plan on updating the grapple mechanic do you don't have to use your mouse at all.

Nice little experience. The best counter didn't update and when I ran out of energy it just went into the negatives instead of not letting me shoot. It only ended when they touched the portal. I believe you had to make the music yourself, I don't know if you did or not. 

It definitely was unconventional so good job!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

A little bit slow for my pace but very well polished. Wish there was a button to skip the countdown at the end. That music is a bop.

Got it.

Thanks for playing

Thanks for playing! What do you mean by Physics problems?

Thanks for playing! Sorry about that. It seems like I'll need to put improved instructions on that screen.

I figured. Glad I could help.

I was so confused about what to do. I looked at the tutorial so I didn't know what I was doing wrong.

Apparently, you have to have your bullets rebound on the RED block to turn them into kill bullets.

Otherwise, fun game. 

Pretty fun game. Audio felt empty as there was no music which I feel could have done wonders for this game. Though I do have one criticism. I never really got to use the mechanics because I could jump over and over as long as I touched something. The only time I had to use it was on the final level.

Valid criticism. I will be updating the game after the rating week is over, even if it is just tweaks. The visual criticisms will definitely be adjusted.
Thank you for playing!

Good visuals man! The gameplay was really satisfying.

Ah alright, that's fair. I guess not having an arch is quite weird for a jump. Thanks for telling me.

Oh no! Even if you were criticizing it's still good feedback. I'll have to consider the next time I add a wall jump to a game. Thank you!

Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

Thanks for playing! What do you mean by "you seem to just change direction mid air"?

Thanks for playing! Could you elaborate on what you meant by stiff?

Glad you had fun!

Wish you had implemented some Coyote time cause jumping does not feel that satisfying. Really like the visuals, I have nothing to say about the music and hope you had a nice game jam!

Yeah I have no clue where to go. Nice visuals!

That music was a bop my guy!

Sorry. I though by saying "E or left click" you would assume to click or at least hover over the grapple area in order to grapple but alas it seems I was wrong.

Hm, odd. Did you try clicking it or hovering your mouse over it then pressing E?