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A member registered Jan 23, 2015

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This is a GREAT idea, and is ready to be one of the best Oculus + Leap games out there, but it has some major issues. I tried it with my DK2 and Leap, which is mounted to the DK2. FIrst, it rarely recognizes both my hands - it only recognizes one of them about 50% of the time, and only sees both about 5% of the time. Second, the turning is far, far too sensitive. Even a slight movement of the hands will send it into a spin, which quickly becomes motion sickness because the sensor loses tracking of the hands.

Also, for me, the rings did not render correctly - they seemed to be a tube of gray boxes. I'm using an R9 290 graphics card.

If you can use an updated SDK to fix the hand recognition and tune down the turning, it will be a great world to fly in, and immediately be the top app for the category.