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A member registered Dec 03, 2019 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

I spent six and a half hours looking for secrets and it was worth every second

I love meta games, this was great. I'm so excited to play your other games now!

I'm so curious what the hotmail address is meant to send (If anything at all lol)

This was really impressive for a first game made in 10 days! :)

This was great, I loved the part where Antigone took the stairs.

Very cool. Very nice. Very lunch.

Froggy must be protected at all costs.
(2 edits)

Peak character design

Thank you Dr. Albert Krueger, I am now cured.

I'm excited for part two!

I had a really good time with this game!

The game's a masterpiece. Thank you dev.

Thank you for the quick fix! I'm excited to play :)

Aw I really wanna play this game but the Jellyfish conversation isn't working for me. When the protagonist says "Not some jellyfish." it won't let me click forward and continue the dialogue.

This game is how gigachads play picross. Very cute and relaxing :)

Neat game!

You can really feel the passion and love put into this game by the creators. If you haven't played this yet, scroll back up and go play it now!