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A member registered Oct 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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I am glad it helped your project ^^

Hello! I had recently discovered, I needed to setup a stripe account in order to allow for payments via card ^^; I apologize for the inconvenience, but card payments have now been added. :)

The discord is in the plugin itself, in the help file. Alternatively, here is a link ^,^ I highly recommend anyone to join as you can keep track of what Im working on in real time as well! Also it;s much easier to report bugs there and for me to keep track of them also!

awesome! glad it was something simple ^^ if you need any other assistance just lemme know, also yoiu may get faster responses on the discord server :D

Hello! so, for the 8 directional characters, first, you need to use the 8 directional tag on the character, either on the actor in the database, on the comment in the event page the tag should be <8dir> then there is a formatting in the plugins help file, which indicates the order the  sprites directions should be placed in

Row 1: Down Left

Row 2: Down

Row 3: Down right

Row 4: Left

Row 5: left

Row 6: Up Left

Row 7: Up

Row 8: Up Right

These is Also now a zip file which includes characters that are setup in the proper format as well :) the height of the characters should not matter as long as they follow this format ^^ If you still need further assistance just let me know and I'll help where I can :D

I intend to add a few variations ^^; but probably just 3, things like lightning was discussed, but adding that via this plugin may not necessarily be feasible. as it's not necessarily possibly via  the formula used to generate the effect in the first place, although... it IS possible to add a layer of lightning on top of this, so it's... still a posibility? Just depends how things go ^^;

But more effect types will definitely be added! :)

I have now added support for transactions via credit/debit card through stripe as required for!~ Please let me know if this issue is resolved on your end ^.^

So good news! it seems I forgot to add the parameters for the motion stop request! This has been fixed, and the stop motion feature is now available in MZ!

I believe this was a bug? Or perhaps It's something I never added in the first place, not sure, but I can check it out, and add it if it does not exist.

As for the animationss disappearing... I've heard some people have this issue but I have in no way been able to replicate this. This only happens when a graphic is used when it is not yet loaded into memory. BUT my plugin specifically loads the file into memory, and actually delays the animation from playing UNTIL the images are fully loaded, thus preventing this issue( or so it should ), if this is replicable can you please possible either on discord, or via email, send me a copy of the project so I can attempt to find out where/how this issue is occuring? I would greatly appreciate it. ^^;

Well I am glad my plugin helped you resolve the issue :D The fact that this plugin is still useful is nice to know ^^; lol

That is fantastic news o_o; this plugin was not intended to fix bugs haha, but this is definitely a plus. It was simply created to allow OTF( on the fly ) assets, to be preloaded instead, that way there are no stutters, it also pauses a scene immediately after a scene change, and will wait until the FPS stabilizes, because in MV, when a new scene is loaded, the scene will become active, when the frames are still unstable, which causes some severe stuttering upon exiting menu, back to map, or changing maps. This slightly increases the loading time, in order to prevent these stutters ^^

you can set the player to be through, and he will essentially ignore collisions until through is turned back off ^^, similar to default rpg maker

I am looking into this, I apologize, hopefully I can get this setup by the end of the day ^^;

what is the -O part? but yes, these functions are indeed working in move routes ^^

currently, this is unsupported, but I believe... it's possible if you use "character.setColliderType( "circle" )" replace character, with the event I.E. "$gameMap.event( 4 ).setColliderType( "circle" );"

Hello! sorry for the delay in response! this is possible with a seperate plugin, I recommend "TF_Billboard.js" created by Tonbii, as it is fully compatible with this plugin ^^

Hello and thanks for your inquiry! This has been integreated in recent versions of the plugin! I have added a pathfinding system directly tied to my collision plugin :) This can be found in  the help file, under "Move Route Script Calls" section.

In a move route, you can use the script call..

this.findPathTo( X, Y )

where X is the X coordinate and Y is the Y coordinate. :) This will cause whoever uses this move route, to find the shortest possible path( WHILE navigating obstacles ),to the destination you provided( the X and Y coordinates )! This is completely different than the "setDestination" functin, as set destination will move the character in a straight line, "findPathTo" will intelligently search for a VALID path to be able to reach the destination you provide it. However bear in mind it can ONLY find grid locked coordinates. I.E. X:8, Y:15, it cannot find float values in the grid, the reason being that the path find RELIES on the grid itself to find the path( there is no good way to pathfind without a grid of some sort ), this means that if you need the character to move to X:8.25, Y:732, for example, you should use the "findPathTo" function, to move to X:8, and Y:7, THEN use the "setDestination" to move to the float value of X:8.25, Y:7.32, in a subsequent script call in the move route.

I hope this has been helpful ^.^

if your on ubuntu or pop os.

sudo apt-get install libqt5pas-dev

currently it is not possible but this is a good idea, I will definitely looko into adding this in! ^^

currently it only overwrites the two default collapse modes, but it could be possible to add unique collapses per enemy I believe.

I believe the dice roll was tied into a lot of other stuff, but I can probably detach it from everything else, and create a plugin out of it.

1) Currently it's not possible, but it's something that was brought to my attention before, I will look into this ^^

2) it only operates between 0~1, the reason is that for performance reasons, the filter area is shrunk down to a very small area I have already expanded this area, but 0~1 represents the area that this filter fits into, I apologize for the inconvenience u_u

3) This filter can actually produce a wide variety of patterns, I opted for a more "fire" like effect, but a water effect, may also be possible, as it operates with FBM( Fractal Brownian Motion ) to create these effects. I can look into it, as for lightning, this is not something the plugin can do without making large alterations, BUT I have been looking into creating lightning effects via GLSL, so this may be possible in a future update, maybe.

Also your action sequences look great! Keep up the good work! I just subbed to your channel I'll keep an eye out for more neat action sequences! :)

the dimensions of the art is irrelevent, it just needs to be in the same format as rpg maker sprites. I.E. top row, is walking down, second row is wlking left, next row is walking right, and bottom row is walking up( if 8 directions follow the  format in the help file ). As for if it's for big characters or not( images with $ in the name ), it does not matter as well, it should work with both. :)

hmm.. are you using 8 directional sprites in my plugin? or in the event move core? and are your sprites 8 directional? if 8 directional sprites is on in te move core plugin turn it off, and use the built in 8 direction in the collision plugin. that should resolve the situation.

It may require reformatting of the sprite sheet though

Awesome! I'm glad the issue was resolved ^.^

Hello! I just put out an update for the tree builder to version 1.0.2, lemme know if this resolved the issue for you ^^

I will look into this here in a moment ^^; that is strange that the resolution at default does not work, I am certain that it should work fine at that size

huh... this could be related to your resolution in your game... as this plugin scales the UI tools to resolution, I may have miscalculated my scaling on some aspects, I apologize for that, I'll look into this here on sunday ^^; for now I could suggest shrinking the resolution, which may not be very helpful.. but the buttons should become, visible with a smaller resolution, however I'm ussure what resolution should fit this, lol my apologies for this oversight u_u it will be fixed in time!~

Hello!~ I apologize but I believe these errors you are getting on deployment, and the issue with saves may stem from another plugin, I have just test deployed my project which includes the aura plugin, and I am able to load the game without any errors whatsoever. It MAY indeed be a compatibility with VisuStella Save Core, but it does not seem likely, as this plugin is very non-invasive, and does not overwrite any important functions that would affect saves in anyway. Have you tried disabling the aura plugin, and re-deploying? to see if the error persists?

As for the save issue, I am 99% sure that the issue is stemming from another plugin, again if you can verify that the issue IS from this plugin( by disabling it, redeploying your game, and everything works as intended ), then I am more than willing to assist you, however I will need a demo project in order to properly debug these issues, as I am not able to replicate any of this on my end. for the demo project, you can either message me via discord, or send an email( I'd recommend discord ). ^^ This project does not need to be your actual game, in any way shape or form, just a base project with my plugin( and whatever other plugin(s) are conflicting ), installed, and the errors  present so that I can attempt to find the problem.

Well, there's really not much difference, except if the tool needs an update, I can update it quicker on, cause the steam version is published, through degica, so it takes a bit longer for me to get the update to them and for them to test/publish ^^; Other than that there is no real significant difference lol

unfortunately this plugin iss not yet available on ssteam, because I have to go directly through Komodo to do so, which takes time.. I am currently in the talks with them though to attempt to get this on steam ^^ so maybe soon~

as for layering aura's this was not something that I had implemented but I suppose it could be possible to do so? I will definitely look into this! thanks for your inquiry ^.^

Hello, there are currently no guides, as it's extremely easy to edit parallax maps for the collision tool.

First, import your project, choose the "edit colliders" button, from here, instead of importing a tileset, choose the parallax dropdown, and select the parallax you want to edit, THEN for tile letter choose "Par"

From here, it is exactly the same as editing tilesets, draw the collider on the part of the parallax image you want, save when done, and that's it!

This works for tilemaps, and parallax images, it does NOT support pictures, though. ^^

My apologies I missed this request, I will see if i can upload a better video ^^; but the faces work with \AF[animation_name] if the animation does not exist, or is spelled incorrectly, it will not display the animation. Capitalization can affect this it's important that the spelling is 100% exactly the same

Hello again!~ I have added support for the "Fadein Screen" and "Fadeout Screen" commands of events, however this will NOT work with the tint picture command, just a headsup. But the normal fade commands are now compatible with this plugin ^^

a fade in would need to be done via a transition effect as well, I can probably make it so that you can transition in with a regular transition as well if you think it would be useful, it's not very difficult :)

(1 edit)

Yes! Transitins can be applied to pictures ^^ thsi is done via a plugin command. :)

Edit: oops sorry! this is the aura plugin not the transition one! sorry! No aura's cannot be applied to pictures but I can definitely add it to them. :)

if your on discord, you can join our discord server, and send me a private message in discord.

or alternatively you can email me, i won't post my email info here, but you can find my email attached to every one of my plugins in contact info in the help file. Although I definitely recommend joining our discord ^.^ as you can also see more of what's coming in the future and much more easily get help at a quicker pace, as I'm on discord nearly all the time. :)

The transitions are done via a grey scale noise mask( or an image that fades from black to white in some way ), I have included a link where you can find several of these images in the plugins help file ^^ but you can also simply search images for "grey scale transition masks" and you should find plenty of results, alternatively you can find transitions masks in a lot of rpg maker forums, under resources for rpg maker XP and VX, they should be labeled as "battle transitions" or something along these lines. :)

Hello!~ this plugin is setup via plugin parameters, you define a whole set of animations as a data set, for example, you specify, the idle animation, the walk animation, and run animation, as seperate images, then when those specific actions are performed in game, they automatically execute. Only custom animations( like casting a fishing rod, or swinging a sword, etc ), would need to be called via plugin command. ^^