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Chai the Tea

A member registered Mar 10, 2022

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I was moved to tears playing this...

Who would ever ddkdkkd dkkkd kdkkd dkdkkd ddkkd this cute little drum fellow?

Cute game! The last puzzle left me stumped for a couple of a minutes until I got my aha-moment :)

Good game, entertained me for 1 hour.

The rain gliding mechanic is a nice twist to the jump king movement, although I dislike that some jumps forced you to have to time your jump-charging immediately as you landed on a moving/slippery surface. This technique felt really finicky especially considering that you couldn't buffer a jump mid-air so that, as soon as you land whilst you are holding spacebar, you would charge a jump.

Occasionally, after being sped up with conveyor belts, I would glide off ledges that weren't rainsoaked (and with the balls almost acting as bumpers). Sometimes walls don't stop momentum, making for some jank falls.

Overall however, I liked most of the jumps and could find reliable setups for most of them, so I think the difficulty is fair.

The aesthetics are simply and pleasing, although I personally would have preferred more details on some walls. The lighting from the torches enhanced the gloomy mood for the inside rooms. The audio was basic but perfectly fine.

I think the shrine theme could be developed more as a story element, right now it feels shoe-horned in.

Good game, the background visuals remind me of some parts of Outer Wilds. Some finicky controls. Plays alright on browser

Lovely game! The equipment system is creative and my favorite part of the game, both gameplay-wise and aesthetically. The overall environment and the fighting scenes looked decent and most of the visuals were clear to follow. Good work!