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A member registered Mar 04, 2021

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You *can* pay if you want to. It's optional.


I don't know, like after the slitherss boss fight was added.

Update: the trapdoor isn't openable anymore i think ill have to respawn or something

I tried opening the trapdoor and got my hand stuck. I thought if I unequipped my morningstar it would fix itself but it didnt so i used my meteor and it shot me out of bounds.

I think the best fix is to just disable the trapdoor collider when it's moving and turn it back on when its fully open.

I think a mobile port would be cool, knowing Fishlicka I'm sure it won't be polluted with ads and in-app purchases. But I think it would be cool if there was a button that just plays an ad for no reason other than to support Fishlicka via ad revenue


I wonder what the play area is. If it's surrounded by plywood, then we should be able to break out of it, right? Maybe with a juice rocket, since you did mention that there will be space stuff.