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Carpe Noctem

A member registered Jul 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Fun little game that creates some genuinely clutch, tense & frustrating (in a good way) moments, very unique idea. Reminds me a little of Getting Over It by Bennett Foddy, I can imagine a  narration track encouraging your little snail to carry on. Only had one very minor issue initially that the floating rocks are the same colour as the walls so I though I couldn't go through them, other than that I am very impressed! Definitely one of my favourites so far, I hope you get featured in the video (100% worthy!). P.s I'd love to see this game released as a full experience!

Cool little concept, fun art style. Suggestions: bigger bullets, more bullets and screen shake! 

Very clever application of the theme and a charming art style, I think if you work on this going forwards there could be a lot done with this concept. 

Love the concept and art but the difficulty ramp is a little fast for me personally. Perhaps if you  continue making this game the enemies could be static until they have LOS to the player. It would be awesome with a cool creepy little town with buildings etc so the player can hunt them down as needed, but gets rushed by a few at a time when seen.