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A member registered Jan 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Simply wonderful, I love it.

I love it, reminds me of the best arcade games of the 80's. A mobile version would be great.

Great game!

Great game with very nice pixel art.

A great game, I especially like the visuals.

Muy buen juego, enhorabuena :-)

Gran idea, el juego divertidísimo y el sentido del humor espectacular, ¡Enhorabuena! :-)

Me ha encantado, una gran idea y un juego muy divertido.

El juego muy divertido y los gráficos, una maravilla.

Una pasada, el arte me ha gustado especialmente, ¡Enhorabuena! :-)

Me ha gustado mucho, muy buen trabajo :-)

Me ha gustado mucho, un gran juego.

Thanks Skull! I :-)

Thanks for playing!

Simply wonderful! Congratulations.

Thanks again, I agree, the game has many bugs that unfortunately, at the moment I don't have the knowledge to fix. Maybe I will take it up again in the future.

Thank you very much for those words, I'm still learning.

Thank you very much for playing it Max.

Vaya juegazo David, me encanta.

Beautiful! :-)

¡Muchísimas gracias! :-)

I played Alex Kidd a lot in Master System, I loved it. This version is great, it brings back very good memories.

Thanks for these vectors :-)

Amazing game! :-)

I love this game! good work :-)

Thank you very much for your words :-) I will keep them in mind.

Nice, fun, great game!

Amazing! :-)

Love it, good job! :-)

Original, beautiful, fun. A great game!

What a beautiful game!

It's a lot of fun and the pixels look really pretty.

I love it, very good adaptation.

An amazing game with wonderful music, I love it!

Very nice game.

Amazing game! beautiful and funny, congratulations :-)

Very funny game.

And thank you again! :-)

It is true, the movement is not well adjusted, i do not know why but the deltaTime does not work, thank you very much for your comment :-)