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CapyBara Power

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well if you have the game go and right click the game and check for updates if it say up to date in the red box it hasnt updated if it did however it should automatically download when it appears

Hey no time to play i have a issue where i dont see the games i get gifted in my owned items even tho when i go to my emails i see that the game is in my purchases can you please help me

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if that does happen maybe uninstall it and run it again if it still shows the black screen again check on the device your playing on you can easily see the details of it by typing dxdiag in the search bar on windows and it shows the type of processors the computer runs then go online and see the system information for this game and compare both if the device is outdated or on a lack of updates the game wouldn't run clean and as smooth as you see on youtube on any platform where you found this game.

I hope this helps soz for the long explaining the longer it is the more simple it is

Crazy bro i rarely even get money to put into my account xd

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im in the same boat bruv ;-;

can anyone please buy me this game if anyone is going to my discord name  is: froggy_drippy

If anyone is going to you can buy it threw Paypal and credit card

Ill check up on this comment in a few days if no one is looking to buy it for me then fair well