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Calvin And Hobbies

A member registered Jul 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed. I agree on the controls being a little convoluted, it’s a trap I always seem to fall into. I’ll work to get feedback earlier on the controls going forward.

Thanks! Yeah, definitely could have used an extra hour of debug time. Not sure if we're allowed to fix the game post-jam submission time or if I'd even have time at the moment, but maybe soon I'll try and clean it up.

Uh... that's a secret power up! Yep. Definitely intentional. ;) Glad you liked how it looks!

Thanks for the kind words! In retrospect, yeah, I should have simplified so it was only the combat. Oh well. And for the build, it was weird because even as an exe file it was bugged. I think it was the way I was assigning references that caused the problem. I’ve got a working web build ready to roll once voting ends so I hope you’ll check it out then.

Very nice and colorful.

Really clever. I like the ways you increase the challenge each level. I also really dig the music and sound effects and how they play together.

Not sure if I just missed it, but I couldn't find the enemy after eliminating it the first time. Also would have like a bit of pressure to find the enemy.

I like the ripple effect and sound effect of the attack. Nice job!

I like the idea! The risk versus reward of getting more health for getting a dollar is very clever. Design-wise, I think having more of an indication that enemies are getting damaged and how close to death they are would help.