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A member registered Dec 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Had me laughing the whole way through! Awesome game!

This game had me laughing and pleading with the cat, 10/10.

Very cool idea! It does great things with the theme!

Cute cat

For GBA!?!? Cool!

This was a fun game! I would imagine it's hard and brain-breaking to make a time puzzle game, but this was pulled off really well!

Love this idea! It's a great way to flip a crane game on it's head, and the art looks really cool!

I loved playing this game! The concept was simple and really well done!

A cool idea! I feel like there is a lot you can do with it!

Wow this was fun!! I loved leveling up, and the inheritance system made me want to keep playing more and more!

It took me a bit to figure out combat, but once I understood it was really cool! I felt like I could manage my dice rolls and units effectively without it feeling too random. 

A unique, straight-forward concept presented well! Had a lot of fun!