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A member registered Mar 21, 2020

Recent community posts

Do your health a favour.Take your time.

Believe it when i see it.

You are using Grid Size for Unity 3D,I want Grid size for a diffrent program,but you cannot change grid size in Asset Forge.Do not use this unless you are using Unity 3D.Waste of money.

So if i save GLTF.Asset Forge is useless to me.To load so called GLTF back into Asset Forge.Strange

I am going to be a blunt here Why save, but not Load a file format.Change your website Information because it is wrong.It says all formats but it is not.It does not load all formats.Only .model format.

Asset Forge community » Meta » Feature requests · Created a new topic Light

A three light setup in Asset Forge,would be nice.To set the lights yourself.Just a thought.

Asset Forge community » Meta » Support · Created a new topic Gltf
(1 edit)

How do you load GLTF models.Asset Forge saves them how do you load them into Asset Forge.