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A member registered Sep 06, 2022

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

Hi all,

any game themes will be announced at the start of the jam or it will be an every-game-is-fine jam ?


I'm a game developer with 4+ years of software development experience, almost 2 years in Unity and I'm currently working full-time in game development environment. I'm searching for people to make small projects / jams / game experiences and I really like your characters and style.

On a personal level, I'm working on action / action-rpg style development, but I have an overall knowledge on almost every aspect.

I will contact you on discord soon!

(2 edits)

Hi! I'm a professional Full-Stack developer with academic experience on game development. 
I worked on a big VR Unity project for a year and I'm now searching for more experience, paid or free.

Relevant Info:
- Unity experience, open to other engines (strong knowledge of every OOP language)
- Gameplay, Game tools, AI, interactions and UI/UX implementation
- Open to every kind of project, preference in RPGs or strategic/card games

Let me know if you're interested contacting me on Discord C0lonnello#5784

Hi! I'm a professional  Full-Stack developer, with academic experience in game development, I would like to know more about the project. 
I'm currently seeking for some more experience and I will have free time from November!