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A member registered Jan 31, 2017 · View creator page →

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Yeah i saw that, the stopping the project building after is the thing that stopped me from using it as i didnt want to leanr how to use BulletFury then have to replace it all and learn pooling too to get it to work after. Just easier for me to dive into the deep end instead :) 

Yeah ill probably stick to the pooling, the manager and the collisions being reduced and see how that goes :) 

Just a few more questions now that ive started adding these adaptions to my project.

  • With the bullet manager is that still using monobehaviour? Isnt fixedUpdate a monobehaviour method?
  • Is LeanPool a unity based pool or is it an asset that i need to get?

omg that’s so much help! Thank you so much! I’ll do all of those things then and give it my best try! Thanks for the help and sorry for not buying your asset 😬 (I’m a broke bi*** 🤣)

Basically yeah lol! Im gunna try doing it with pooling and instantiating stuff  through that and go from there. If its too slow then im just going to try to find optimisations i can do and hope.

Thats if someone else doesnt come on here and gives out a good easy alternative at least

I was just wondering whether anyone is using their own system for the bullet spawning other then the one given? I was thinking of making my own as i want to keep adding to the game after and not have the game not work becasue I dont have the paid version of BulletFury. 

Basically just wanted to see if people were going to do their own and if they have any good links on how to make optimised bullet spawning from scratch :) 

Thankyou so much! Im glad you liked it and the art that I was able to scrape together :D

Im glad you liked it! Some of the pumpkin stages dont give any points if you get them just as they decay so hopefully thats whats happening. I was going to make it even harder so im glad I didnt if that was the case :)

Yeah thats one of the things i should've put in instructions screen as i now realise thats not really obvious xD my bad! 

Thank you! Im so glad you like it! :) 

I've now scaled the games size way down to 960x540 so should work now hopefully.

You have to click and drag the pumpkins over to the edges, sorry that wasn’t clear.

The viewport is set to 1080p scale and the game itself is set to 1080p too. If I scale down the viewport it makes it extremely zoomed in too.

Thank you  so much! :) Im glad you liked it! 

I'll definitely be working  on it more, especially with adding way more features and levels to it!  Then after its all perfected as much as i can then hopefully I can release it :D

I liked the start intro sequence (was cool way of doing a tutorial) and also the sliding mechanic, but couldnt get the wall running to work for some reason. I was also lost for a second before i realised the shields were the collectables! xD 

Overall though i feel like it could be a good adventure type game once finished and once the player movement has been tweaked a bit! :)

Its such a cool idea and such a never before seen idea! 

I  had no idea what I was doing most of the time as the sounds were a bit difficult to distinguish them from one another but it was nice whenever i did something  right and saw the score go up! xD

The style is really cool and all looks so polished given the time worked on it. Congrats on getting the game done! :) 

I was going to make a comment on the game but this summed up my thoughts exactly! I totally agree with everything 'D.Galga' has said in this comment! Looks like it would be so good if filled out more too! :)  

Theres quite a few bugs which make a lot of the games included unplayable (for myself at least) but Its still very impressive that you were able to get so many mini games out in such a short period of time! 

Would be a really nice little game pack once all the design and bugs are developed on more though. Congrats on what you've made! :) 

Was pretty fun even without really knowing what i was doing or even why but i enjoyed trying to place as many of the same type next to each other as possible! 

With a little extra gameplay and information added to it and i think it could be a nice chill game to play :) 

Looks amazing and I cant wait to see what you can make from this! Good job on getting so much done with a finished look in such little time! If I was to give it some feedback it would be: 

- there was a lot of skills/controls/abilities given all at once and was confusing on what each one was

- I didnt really know what the goal of the game was and where to go and  (I kind of just messed about in the starting area)

Thanks for the feedback! 😊 I definitely plan to make some difficult levels where you have to figure out where and what to place and even have plans for some other puzzle features but for the time being I was limited to getting the core functionality down.

I appreciate the honest feedback though, I’ll definitely work on that 😊