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A member registered Sep 20, 2021

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Chonky Bam is barrels of fun! There’s an addicting quality to throwing barrels at mad zookeepers trying to put Chonky back into captivity. I’m just not quite sure what that quality is because I don’t think I used any real skill while playing the game.

 I would just toss as many barrels as I could, usually alternating from side to side, hoping I would send a zookeeper into oblivion. That seemed to work for a a period of time, but once the sky changed about three times I would get flooded by red zookeepers. The green zookeepers didn’t pose any real problems (maybe paying tribute to the skills of the green plumber that came before him) but the red zookeepers would often kill me before I could get the timing of bam down.  Luckily my strategy of throwing random barrels worked for cheesing the red zookeepers because they can’t jump right after they get off of a ladder, and I often had enough barrels on screen to hit them on one of the ladder exits.

Whenever I did nail a bam, it felt great. There would be moments with multiple red zookeepers and barrels on screen and the bam would take about five of them out. When you get into that sort of flow the game really shines. I just felt like when I did have those moments, I was there based more off of luck than skill.

The music and sfx are great  but I couldn’t hear them too well on my computer speakers. I did love hearing Chonky say bam and banana every time though! 

Chonky has strong yet innocent look to him that definitely kept me rooting for him to escape captivity. 

I’m still not sure whether I did well or not but something about this game keeps pulling me in. It’s easy enough to jump right into, but challenging enough to keep you itching to beat your own high score. There really is nothing more satisfying than seeing five red zookeepers get taken out by one bam and getting Chonky that much closer to freedom.