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A member registered Jan 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing. Best reaction yet! I loved how you just barley made it out. That made it super suspenseful to watch.

We appreciate the feedback! This will be helpful for our next release in the beta cycle. 

Thanks so much for posting the video. You gave us good feedback for our next release.

Hey thanks for playing. Our next release will have more horror in it. We plan on taking out some of the puzzles and putting more of the ending type stuff.

Thanks for playing the game! You seemed to be disoriented in the introduction. Any thoughts on how to fix it so you feel less disoriented?

Thanks for playing! We will add a sensitivity option now that you have brought it up. We like your interest in the story. Most people have been skipping the dialogue in the graveyard.

Thanks for playing the game! Great personality and feedback! Keep up the videos! Let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Email us at so we can reward you for playing our game. 

Thanks and Keep Bumping!

Thanks for playing the game! I really enjoyed the way you played our game. Great personality! Let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Email us at so we can reward you for playing our game. 

Thanks and Keep Bumping!

Thanks for playing the game! You gave great feedback! Let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Email us at so we can reward you for playing our game. 

Thanks and Keep Bumping!

Thanks. I am glad you got a rush from it :)