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A member registered Nov 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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I have no clue then, we used to have a problem with not using opengl2 but that's been fixed. unless I get some kind of error message I'm completely lost sorry :/

I'm just guessing here but you could maybe have low disc space on your phone and there might be some settings about "allow third party applications" on your phone, since this isn't from google/apple playstores.

I hope the next update fixes this. I guess making sure you got enough space and finding settings to allow third party apps is all I can recommend now :/

I have no clue what causes this. I had another person download it recently from itch and got crashes too. All the other players who downloaded the android version much earlier myself included didn't get any strange bugs like this. Is there a moment in the game where you can see it all going to hell or is it all the time?

Delete and reinstall, you can save your save files from game/saves and paste it in the new update when that comes

if renpy doesn't give me any trouble I'll have a mac launch next update

Yeah subscribestar will see the new version first in what I'm guessing is 2 weeks

thanks a lot! No were just getting started and were super excited to work on this. Looking at the nice comments and the support we've got already our passion for this is at maximum overdrive. 

I've tried to "animate" most scenes, they're still sprites but I'm moving them around, moving the camera etc. There's one truly animated sex scene in the game and we're going to make all the upcoming NSFW scenes animated. With enough support I'd definately want to make some of the teaser scenes animated too

Thanks for your feedback. Yeah I agree that the lewd scene came pretty fast but we wanted that since this was our first release, we wanted to show some action. The Lisa story will get a little slower from here making this more of a "I can't believe we did that, won't happen again" thing. Emma will be a slow burn too.
Overall I hope that with more content you don't want to spam click one story, fast forward days to complete it, and do a little bit of everything. Also feel free to join the discord and give us feedback there, we really do appreciate it

Thanks a lot! We will release next update on Subscribestar first and public update 4 weeks later. We're aiming for 16th june for the subscribestar update but I don't dare to make that a promise

Hi I saw your message on f95. I replied to it and went into details about some future scenes. No MMF or NTR is gonna be in the game

Thanks, looking forward to making juicier updates

Thank you it means a lot!

Thanks for replying again. I downloaded the new version and remade my transforms like the example you set and it works perfectly on android now. Thanks for coming to the rescue!

(2 edits)

Hey this works perfectly on pc but when I'm making the android version it breaks the game with the error :"renpy.gl2.gl2shader.program.load ShaderError:b'L0001 "variable u_model_size does not match the vertex variable u_model_size

I'm using renpy 8.2 and android should support gl2. In compatability you write "This tool requires config.gl2 to be True" It seems that 8.2 has removed this config because now it will always use gl2. Any help is appreciated

This is the transform I'm using:

  1. transform glow_outline_black_thin(width=3, color= '#000000ff', mesh_pad=False, num_passes=None):     outline_transform(width, color, 3.0, '#000000ff', (num_passes or width*2.0),         mesh_pad=mesh_pad)