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A member registered Apr 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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I made it to the Think level but there's no reset button haha. Have to say it again, this game is so clever.

Oh wait, does it say Thanks, not think? I'm stuck in a little box, top left hand corner. Did I finish the game?

I played again, lots of geese yay. I pressed your fullscreen button and it was like the camera zoomed right in and I could only see part of the game screen and at the end the Reset button was covering the Final Score label so I couldn't tell if the score was showing or not.  This is what it looked like when I pressed the itch fullscreen button. I tried this on two browsers, Firefox and Chromium, both on Linux and got the same results.

Then I played using the browser fullscreen function (F11) and saw this at the end..

Whoo, this is so clever. I haven't got very far but I really like the idea. Great idea, well done.

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Hi, this is really clever and unique, nice graphics and the music suits it well too. Very nice. 

I noticed some things, after a while there weren't any more geese or clouds, just blue sky and sometimes a fuel can.  And at the end my score didn't display. It just had score and then blank space. But it did get saved to the leaderboard though. Playing on Firefox on a laptop.

PS. Have you thought about having the hot air balloon in the thumbnail? I'm sure everyone loves hot air balloons.

Great game, lots of fun, very enjoyable.

This is good, well done. And great work with the game feel with sound effects and having the bounce when the magnet drops. Also great that you've got the knives and coins placed randomly for each attempt. Good stuff.

Hi what an interesting concept, very clever, well done.

I'll try again later but the game quit on me and the tab closed when I pressed Q to fire the gun in the gun level. I fired the gun once, wasn't sure to aim for the door or the red box above the door. Then when I fired a second time with Q, the browser (Firefox) on my laptop must have thought I was trying to quit and close the tab. Before that when I right clicked to fire it brought up the browser right click menu.

Here we go. This morning, my time, I played and submitted my score which was a new high for me. When I closed the leaderboard it automatically went back to Level 1 and I played again but this time pretty badly. At the end this is how the score screen looked. ,The exact same thing happened to me last night and I went to come here to post but then itch was down so I thought maybe it was an itch thing. Played again this morning, and same error. Both times my first game was a new high score followed by a bad game. This is the same error as a few days ago but I described it incorrectly then.

Error from just now:

Error from about 12 hours ago:

Nice improvements, I feel much better about killing those ghost things haha.

Haha, crazy. 

In your description and in the in game error message it says the year is 1988. You mean 1998?

Awwww haha, thank you for checking out Hamster Run which was a GD jam entry a while back. I don't think I'll be entering this game jam, my ideas weren't interesting to me and unfortunately I didn't keep thinking about it. 

There's some good scores on your leaderboard now, hope the jam goes really well for you.

Hi Albara, are you still working on this game? The car jumping is nice but could the people look like monsters or something because it doesn't feel right to be hitting people with a car to squash them. Do you have plans to have scores, background pictures, music, sound effects and a fullscreen button?

Improved my score a lot and the end scores displayed perfectly, so it might have been just something specific to my browser for my second game.

Playing on Firefox (115)  browser on Linux mint with the game fullscreen. Unfortunately I don't know how many rounds were visible but my memory is there was a lot there, so possibly only one or two plus the total missing. I will have another play to improve my score haha and get a screenshot at the end if the problem re-occurs.

I played a second time to try to improve my score but somehow it was much worse (higher). Also, so that you know, there might be some kind of display error. At the end of my second game the list of scores started from about one third of the way down the screen. The last few rounds were outside the game area as was the total, so I didn't know what my total was unless I submitted it to the leaderboard.

I just made it through level 6 before I read your comment. Not going to say how far over par I was though haha. But yeah, great game, well done.

I love it, very clever. Stuck on level 6 though. Is this similar to another game or all your idea?

What if you think more generally, like jumping on and off a platform or on and off a horse/boat/train, lots of things.

Hi Lucky, thank you. Hahaha, poor little hammy.

Fun fact, hamsters aren't allowed in my country :(

Hahaha. Thank you very much Smokey. Sorry the leaderboard didn't work properly though.

Love this game, I think it will be one I'll come back to.

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Very sweet. Love the little drag animations like the green apple's face changing and the round fish changing to an oval etc.

Oh wow, I wanted to go back and look at the adorable baby dark sheep again in level 1 and this time they were white! You even have different items when repeating levels! Amazing.

Well done, very cute game.

PS, ooh, I'm a font. Always wanted that.

Trains yayyyyy. This was really fun, well done, cute graphics and music and fun but tricky to play. Great job.

This has to be the most unique crazy weird unexpected game of the jam, well done! Great art and music and yeah truly unique. Love the grainy textures like it's cardboard cutouts, very clever.

By the way, I couldn't get the LMB working to throw the head, well it worked once out of many tries, so not sure what I did right that time. Is the music set to loop? It stopped for me at some point.

Hi, thank you, I was able to pass level 2 using the down button. Before I knew about that, it was the paw under the right side of the top bar that I couldn't get to.

I have some feedback about level 3. This was my experience but other people might be smarter than me haha. I didn't realise I had to wait til  my brother was taken before I could move. So I was pressing the arrow keys and nothing happened. I thought it was bugging and that there was no movement controls. And then I would see the left and right arrow buttons come on the screen and think oh, I have to click them to move. So yeah, haha I was pretty confused but eventually figured out what was going on. I like the arrow buttons being for wriggling but maybe there could be some kind of visual thing to make it clearer what's happening. Like little shake lines on each side of the buttons.

I'm really not very good at co-ordinating my movement and jumping and was only able to get to the paw closest to the start position. But that's just me.

I really like the detail you have, like when the robot looks left and right depending on my position. 

Also, I'm not sure about this but at the beginning of the game when it says Press any key to start, it might only be the Enter key that actually works.

But anyway, this game is great, the music is perfect, graphics beautiful and those kittens, just the cutest.

This is game is sooooo cute, I love it. The way the kittens move is so good. I got stuck on level two but love it so much that I could get the other kitten and then the bird chased us both around, so much fun.

I'm here

I played it too, yes was good. I especially liked the level where the platforms were falling. I got stuck on the level that looks like a shelf with books on it.

Fun little game, love the movement left and right animations. Bit of a bug with the leaderboard name, it didn't store my name for my second game and I was unable to change it so my second game with a higher score is Global Variable etc, haha

I didn't know what the karma ordering meant and read the link. I see the itch boss said it was given - received with no mention of comments but that he may tweak it.

Thank you for showing that median can be more complex than a 50/50 split. It would be interesting if the jam results had the number of votes as a sort field.

Interesting topic indeed and still not solved in my book, haha.

If there were a fixed vote requirement then just like now with the median there's always going to be those who miss out by one vote and feel that life is unfair :/ (don't know how to visually type a protruding lower lip).

I'm not sure how effective it is to make it clearer about games in need of votes. I felt that the placement of that message in this jam was pretty good. One factor is just the number of entries. It's just not feasible for most people to play and rate every game. Which then leads back to the same problem, people know they can't rate all the games so they go for the option where they can get something in return - rate for rate. And I'm sure there's larger jams than this one which means being even more selective with one's time, either by rate for rate or by playing what is deemed to be popular in the hope that it will be good.

So, my summary is the more entries a jam has, the less chance it has of having a reasonably even spread of votes.

Yes, haha, I was aware that the motivation for my suggestion may have been flawed, this is the kind of thing my brain doesn't cope well with.. You say it's possible that half the games would be downgraded but I was wondering whether this would be  a certainty just from the nature of a median value. 

But it does make sense to have some kind of downgrade system so that a game with one five star vote doesn't win. For me, the solution lies not in the results system but in the voting system.  After playing one game that must have been entered into another jam as well, I must have clicked on the wrong entry page link as it was telling me I couldn't vote for the game until I'd voted for some others with few votes. I feel like forced voting like that could lead to just voting a low score without even playing just to get back to rating other games faster.

I think I saw some mention somewhere of some jams where  the submissions only have one ordering  filter, that is the games that have voted the most are displayed at the top. But once again that could lead to dummy voting.

I can't really think of a good solution that doesn't rely on people doing the right thing. I think the biggest contributor in this jam to the ratings gap was the rate for rate posts. I don't know if all jams are 'plagued' by such posts but I can't see any way of having a fair jam while they exist.

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This is why I made this post and then scroll down to my reply to  the seventh entry.

Oh wow, I predicted the median of 20 exactly!

 Haha, thanks for playing and thank you!

Hi LastBaron, thank you!

Thank you vanawy.

So sweet and funny as well, well done

Intriguing concept and has an Osmos feel about it, very floaty and gorgeous, well done.

So interesting, clever concept, well done and the sad music suits it well.